“What’s My Favorite ____?” Real Neat Blog Award || Keni’s Nomination

Hello all!

I found myself here with a couple minutes to spare and figured I’d answer one of these tag posts. This Real Neat Blog Award comes from Keni (CrackerzAnime) whom I honestly haven’t interacted with much, but hope to get to know more of. I’m over a month late with this reply, but I hope you know I appreciate the nomination—Thank you Keni!


The following is the rules for those who received and will receive the Real Neat Blog Award.

  • Display the Award logo
  • Thanks the blogger for the award
  • Answers the questions given from the one who nominated you
  • Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers
  • Ask them 7 questions

Since this award has already made its rounds several times within the past couple weeks, I’ll refrain from tagging anyone this time around!

Keni’s Questions:

1. Who is your favorite singer/artist?

Are you all sick of me plugging my love for BTS yet? Cause yeah, they’re my favorite. However, since the question seems to indicate a single vocal artist (and they are a septet of idols), I’ll go with Kanako Ito or Utada Hikaru. ASCA’s songs have also been making their way up my playlists list, though.

2. What are your goals for 2020? (can either be short or long term)

Easy one: 1) Read more posts. 2) Write more succinct posts. 3) Read and review more books. 4) Write more about me. 5) Build up my personal brand. I’ve outlined them in detail right here if you’re interested in my angle for 2020!

3. What are your 3 best anime of all-time?

Best specifically for me? Neon Genesis EvangelionFate/Zero, and Steins;Gate. Now, what has been best for anime’s history? Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. A basic answer, but you can’t deny the impact of these classics. Other favorites of mine include: Ghost in the Shell (all of it), HyoukaYuri!!! On ICEKILL la KILL, Space Battleship Yamato 2199, Sailor Moon, A Certain Scientific Railgun, and Eden of the East. 

4. What are your thoughts on blogging BEFORE starting one vs AFTER? Did you debunk any myths made up in your head? etc…

This is such an intriguing question. Over the past five years I have been blogging, I’ve realized that this can often times feel like such a lonely sport. You really have to put yourself out there, and even when you think you’ve followed all the right people and have posted just the right content that’ll get you “views,” you still may wind up with only a handful of followers. BUT DON’T GIVE UP. If you do it solely for the “fame,” you’ll never make it. While I think it’s admirable to try to increase your blog’s traffic and success (heck, more power to ya), I think it’s perfectly fine to be content with having a small group of blogger friends. So long as you put good energy out there, good things will come your way in due time.

5. What are your most favorite and least favorite anime genre?

Least favorite: that harem fantasy school stuff. I’ve had just about enough of it. My favorite genre is sci-fi thriller. Anything with a battle royale/mystery element to it will also likely catch my attention. Psychological mysteries in general are just, oof, *chef’s kiss*.

6. Who is your current best waifu/husbando?

I don’t often think about waifus and husbandos, but if I had to pick . . . Fate‘s Saber as best waifu and Free!‘s Makoto Tachibana as best husbando. Yet another basic answer, I know. (But c’mon, those back muscles tho ~)

7. If you play video games, what is your favorite gaming genre? Name them!

As I’m sure many of you already know, I actually don’t play games that often! But I do enjoy a good night of Smash and Mario Kart. On a more serious note, I really love the post-apocalyptic aesthetic of JourneyPortal 2, and Nier: Automata. Each have this psychological mystery element to them that I just can’t ignore (and given my tastes in anime, imagine that LOL).

And that’s all Keni’s got for me! Thanks again for the nomination, and since I’m not nominating anyone myself, please feel free to provide your own answers to any of Keni’s questions in the comments. I’d love to read them! Speaking of reading, please check out my latest announcement for the return of the V-Day Sci-Fi special. Not sure if everyone was busy over the weekend or if I fudged with the publishing again (DOH!), but the post could really use some love. My thanks to those who give it a read. Until the next one, this has been

– Takuto, your host

It’s Real Neat to Have Blogger Friends (Real Neat Blog Award)

Hello all! Just when I was thinking of how dull my reviews can be at times, JekoJeko over at UEM! reminded me of my creativity in the form of a nomination – The Real Neat Blog Award! So regardless of the ceiling-high stack of reviews I still have to write, I will take this little break graciously. Thank you very much, JekoJeko.

UEM! brings forth tiny details hidden in anime and intricately weaves them with “unfettered and unnecessary opinions” to form truly thought-provoking posts. But whether it’s Christian beliefs, first impressions or great biased reviews, JekoJeko always manages to keep me wanting more content, and isn’t that the goal of a blogger? UEM! is a new key Aniblogger site in the community, and you should do yourself the favor by following them around (click here)!

JekoJeko asked seven questions as part of the award criteria, and here are my answers:

  1. Who or what got you to start watching your first anime?

I watched Ghibli movies, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Beyblade, and Yu-Gi-Oh all prior to my first anime, but I do not count them since at the time, I did not know they were anime, nor what anime even was.

Sadly, I didn’t have a buddy to get me into anime 😦 so I have been a lone wolf up until recently. What got me into anime was actually an incredibly embarrassing, cheek-burning question: What is hentai? After a totally appropriate Google search, I found Negima!? the Spring and Summer OVAs, and though they are nowhere close to actual hentai, the magic comedy and youth aspects made me crave more! I wrote a whole story about it here if you want more depth.

  1. What do you think is your most controversial opinion about anime/manga?

Honestly speaking, probably that The End of Evangelion is one of the most transformative and fresh breath-inducing films I’ve ever seen, and that the series is just as spectacular. It’s been one of the most controversial opinions to bomb the anime chat rooms and forums since 1997, but I think its messages of rebirth through death are inspiring (no, I’m not going to do anything crazy). I’m just saying, you can’t deny the weird vibes you get when Lilith Rei initiates the Human Instrumentality Project.

Also controversial, I think in order to start the Fate anime franchise you should start with Fate/Zero. There, I said it. Haters go hate.

  1. What song do you wish could be an anime opening or ending?

What a fun question! Let’s see, any Train songs like “Drive By” or “Mermaid” fit the bill for a fun show in my opinion. They’re upbeat and pretty catchy. I like it when folk, Irish, or classical music is reprised for anime to enhance the mood, so maybe something like that?

  1. Has a show ever impacted your beliefs or values in an important way?

Anything by Kyoto Animation has made me realize how delicate relationships and lives themselves are, and that life is so much more interesting with others. Additionally, works like Chu-2, Beyond the Boundary, and Free! showed me how literally beautiful and vast the world is. Every small vase on a windowsill; every miniscule patch of grass growing through the cracks of concrete; every scrunched little alley big enough for one only one car to pass through, so the other person pulls over, gets out and waves to the other like all’s right with the world, allowing them to pass first; every charming, wooden, traditional Japanese home as well as modern homes; All of it is present in KyoAni works, which taught me to be most of all humble.

  1. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve been a part of?

For most of my childhood, my siblings and were a band that performed Irish, fiddling, classical, and even pop music for organization banquets and meetings. In fact, we’ll play for a friend’s wedding in August. Though there have been rough times, it was at the very least thrilling in multiple ways, probably the highlight of excitement for my childhood. 🙂

Last year, high school, I formed a small orchestral group that performed at seasonal concerts and various ceremonies. We played pieces that I had written myself, which was an incredible honor to do so with my friends! I couldn’t thank people enough for the waves of positive feedback and standing ovations we have received! There were too many late nights of writing, though, so for now, we are on hold.

  1. Which show do you wish your life was more like?

“Honestly any show. Anything. I am so boring.”

I’ve always thought that life was boring, that I’m the kid in class waiting for the mass murderer to show up and blow up the entire school, to which I escape, meet a cool boy/girl, and we fight off the villain. That or the apocalypse. But then I started to realize, unless I’m the one receiving the mysterious powers or magical strengths, it would be a huge inconvenience and a horrible thing to wait through. I mean, my family and friends could die!

So now, like most everyone, I seek out the slice-of-life route. Perhaps Free! because I am in swimming, or even Kokoro Connect like Keatle had said in his nomination because of the close bonds with friends. I’ll live an enchanting yet ordinary high school life – ideal for anime . . .

But I’ll always be expecting something to happen, something to shake up the world.


  1. What’s your biggest goal in life, and how do you plan to achieve it?

Ahh jeez, here’s the big question. What to do with my life? Well, I want to be successful and happy at the same time, but I do not know how to do that – yet. I haven’t settled on a career, but if it could involve anime in some way, that’d be great. I’m sorry I can’t answer this yet, but I’ll work hard and keep looking forward now!

Here are a few people that I’d like to pass the nomination on to, as I think you all have “Real Neat” blogs. I’d be thrilled if you accept the award!! (I’ve been trying to look for people who haven’t already been nominated that deserve it, and there’s a whole slew of you that are awesome :D)

In the Cubbyhole

Curious Stars

The Huge Anime Fan

Viewer’s Discretion is Advised

Shay-shay’s Anime Blog

Jamie Talks Anime

Chibi Majo

Entertainment Review Project


Let’s Talk Anime



Now for my seven questions I’d love to ask these amazing people:

  1. Are you absolutely content with your blog? Do you plan to add any new segments or features soon?
  2. Have you ever considered creating a YouTube channel?
  3. Do you find yourself reading more manga, playing more games, or watching more anime?
  4. What is the first anime that you recommend to a new person, considering that they are cool with any genre and episode length
  5. Do you prefer to buy anime limited or standard edition, if any?
  6. Borrowing this one from JekoJeko, which show do you wish your life was more like?
  7. What is one anime that you will defend to your death, if any, regardless of its understandable flaws?

Here are the rules for the Real Neat Blog Award. If you choose to accept, please leave a comment below with a link to your post so that I may read it!

  1. Put the award logo in your Blog
  2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you
  3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking their blogs
  4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, liking their blogs
  5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog)
  6. Ask the bloggers 7 new questions

That was tons of fun, but it’s over now :(. A thanks to JekoJeko one last time, because otherwise I’d still be swamped in the lost, unsaid words of future reviews! I hope you have enjoyed reading and until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host