Give it a Light Novel Title Challenge (Keni’s Nomination)

Hello all!

I thought I’d mix this up a bit for today and do a tag post. This one comes from Keni (The Anime Basement) and it’s the Give It A Light Novel Title Challenge. Reading through other bloggers’ posts, this challenge seems like a lot of fun, so thanks Keni for tagging me! Be sure to follow The Anime Basement if you haven’t already!


  • Choose up to five anime, manga, or visual novel series with short titles
    • Light novels are allowed
  • Give these series a new title based on those incredibly long and ridiculous new anime/ manga/ light novel titles!
  • If someone already picked the anime, don’t worry! You can still challenge them to a fun showdown.
  • Link back to the original post.
  • Include Give it a Light Novel title in your tag so everyone can find them easily.
  • Nominate around 1-6 bloggers

To make this even more challenging, I’ll try to stick with titles I’ve recently been watching. Alright, let’s see what I can come up with!

shirobako ln


So Long As I Have My Friends, Working In Anime Can’t Be That Hard!

shinra smile ln

Fire Force

I Want To Be Called Hero, But My Fiery Feet Make Me The Devil!

princess principal ln

Princess Principal 

We Wanted To Save The Country, So Our Princess Became A Spy!?

karneval ln


I Joined The Circus To Find My Long-Lost Friend

penguindrum ln


To Save Our Sister, We Have To S-Serve The . . . P-PENGUIN QUEEN??


(If you’ve already done this, feel free to pass or reply with your post!)

Mel (Mel in Animeland)

Scott (Mechanical Anime Reviews)

Miandro (Miandro’s Side)

Matt (Matt in the Hat)

Megan (Geeky Gal)

Lynn Sheridan (The Otaku Author)

This was such a fun little post to make, so thanks again Keni for tagging me! Which one of these titles would you be most interested in watching? Be sure to let me know in the comments. ‘Till next time!

– Takuto


My First Mystery Blogger Award (Megan’s Nomination)

Hello all!

I’m back today with another one of these cool award posts. The blogger who was kind enough to nominate me was Megan (A Geeky Gal), who is known for writing all sorts of fun and nerdy posts. She’s a prolific blogger, and someone who I always have a ball talking to. If you aren’t following her blog, you’re missing out on a great time and a wonderful person!

Now, of all the award and tag posts that have been floating around these past five years that I’ve been blogging, I’ve yet to receive the Mystery Blogger Award—until now, of course! According to its creator, Okoto, this award denotes a blog that “not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get.” High words to live by, so I’m grateful to Megan for noticing what I do here. 🙂

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • List the rules.
  • Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  • Answer five questions from the nominator.
  • Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, including one weird or funny question.
  • Nominate from 10 to 20 bloggers.
  • Notify the bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Share the link to your best post.

I won’t be nominating anyone in specific because I know this award just went through the community. However, I’d love to see how you would answer Megan’s questions down in the comments!!

Three things about me:

  • I started learning the viola da gamba this semester just to shake things up
  • I bleached and dyed my hair for the first time a little over a week ago and it’s been fun having light-colored hair
  • I’m currently in the middle of switching my educational focus from psychology to English (wish me luck!)

Megan’s Questions:

If you could meet any anime/book/TV character, who would it be?

Oof. This is always a question I never give much thought to because, you know, characters are fictional. BUT, I wouldn’t be opposed to sitting down with Shinji Ikari of Neon Genesis Evangelion fame just so I could give the poor kid a hug. He doesn’t deserve half the shit people give him—and *tea* the people who dislike him for being a depressed whiny kid kinda miss the entire point of the series.

Name your top 3 favorite websites.

Excluding app services, I often find myself looming around the sites I use the most: RightStuf Anime, MyAnimeList, and this place, Takuto’s Anime Cafe. Is that too conceited? Well, even if it is, I love this place; it’s my home away from home.

Which anime/book/TV character would you marry?

Hmmm, again, I don’t have much to comment. BUT, some of my waifus are Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magica) and Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Moon), my husbandos being Makoto Tachibana (Free!) and Todoroki Shouto (My Hero Academia).

What anime changed your life?

SO many. EvangelionSteins;GateFree!Yuri!!! On ICEGhost in the Shell, and Sailor Moon are some of the ones that immediately jump to mind.

What’s the background on your phone/computer right now?

Well this will be revealing. No surprise to see this lovely Eva fan art for the lock screen. The home screen, however, is the boys of Tomorrow X Together, a junior K-pop boy band that I happen to be very fond of. No, it’s not a phase. >.<


Again, I won’t be nominating anyone in specific just because I know many of you already recently participated in this award; however, I do want to thank Megan again for the nomination—I enjoyed answering your questions! Till next time, everyone!

– Takuto

“What’s My Favorite ____?” Real Neat Blog Award || Keni’s Nomination

Hello all!

I found myself here with a couple minutes to spare and figured I’d answer one of these tag posts. This Real Neat Blog Award comes from Keni (CrackerzAnime) whom I honestly haven’t interacted with much, but hope to get to know more of. I’m over a month late with this reply, but I hope you know I appreciate the nomination—Thank you Keni!


The following is the rules for those who received and will receive the Real Neat Blog Award.

  • Display the Award logo
  • Thanks the blogger for the award
  • Answers the questions given from the one who nominated you
  • Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers
  • Ask them 7 questions

Since this award has already made its rounds several times within the past couple weeks, I’ll refrain from tagging anyone this time around!

Keni’s Questions:

1. Who is your favorite singer/artist?

Are you all sick of me plugging my love for BTS yet? Cause yeah, they’re my favorite. However, since the question seems to indicate a single vocal artist (and they are a septet of idols), I’ll go with Kanako Ito or Utada Hikaru. ASCA’s songs have also been making their way up my playlists list, though.

2. What are your goals for 2020? (can either be short or long term)

Easy one: 1) Read more posts. 2) Write more succinct posts. 3) Read and review more books. 4) Write more about me. 5) Build up my personal brand. I’ve outlined them in detail right here if you’re interested in my angle for 2020!

3. What are your 3 best anime of all-time?

Best specifically for me? Neon Genesis EvangelionFate/Zero, and Steins;Gate. Now, what has been best for anime’s history? Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. A basic answer, but you can’t deny the impact of these classics. Other favorites of mine include: Ghost in the Shell (all of it), HyoukaYuri!!! On ICEKILL la KILL, Space Battleship Yamato 2199, Sailor Moon, A Certain Scientific Railgun, and Eden of the East. 

4. What are your thoughts on blogging BEFORE starting one vs AFTER? Did you debunk any myths made up in your head? etc…

This is such an intriguing question. Over the past five years I have been blogging, I’ve realized that this can often times feel like such a lonely sport. You really have to put yourself out there, and even when you think you’ve followed all the right people and have posted just the right content that’ll get you “views,” you still may wind up with only a handful of followers. BUT DON’T GIVE UP. If you do it solely for the “fame,” you’ll never make it. While I think it’s admirable to try to increase your blog’s traffic and success (heck, more power to ya), I think it’s perfectly fine to be content with having a small group of blogger friends. So long as you put good energy out there, good things will come your way in due time.

5. What are your most favorite and least favorite anime genre?

Least favorite: that harem fantasy school stuff. I’ve had just about enough of it. My favorite genre is sci-fi thriller. Anything with a battle royale/mystery element to it will also likely catch my attention. Psychological mysteries in general are just, oof, *chef’s kiss*.

6. Who is your current best waifu/husbando?

I don’t often think about waifus and husbandos, but if I had to pick . . . Fate‘s Saber as best waifu and Free!‘s Makoto Tachibana as best husbando. Yet another basic answer, I know. (But c’mon, those back muscles tho ~)

7. If you play video games, what is your favorite gaming genre? Name them!

As I’m sure many of you already know, I actually don’t play games that often! But I do enjoy a good night of Smash and Mario Kart. On a more serious note, I really love the post-apocalyptic aesthetic of JourneyPortal 2, and Nier: Automata. Each have this psychological mystery element to them that I just can’t ignore (and given my tastes in anime, imagine that LOL).

And that’s all Keni’s got for me! Thanks again for the nomination, and since I’m not nominating anyone myself, please feel free to provide your own answers to any of Keni’s questions in the comments. I’d love to read them! Speaking of reading, please check out my latest announcement for the return of the V-Day Sci-Fi special. Not sure if everyone was busy over the weekend or if I fudged with the publishing again (DOH!), but the post could really use some love. My thanks to those who give it a read. Until the next one, this has been

– Takuto, your host

The End of a Lovely Month! (Keiko’s Nomination)

Hello all!

As the title indicates, to wrap up this month of love and affection I’ll be responding to the “One Lovely Blog Award” that Keiko (Keiko’s Anime Blog) nominated me for back in, what, November of 2018? Yikes, little behind, but better late than never, right?

I always enjoy chatting with Keiko, and I particularly like seeing what she’s been up to reading-wise in her “Weekly Reads” segment. She’s also currently at the end of the 28-Day Shoujo Challenge for February 2019, so now’s a great time to catch up on what she’s been up too. Thanks for nominating me Keiko!


1.  Display Award.

2.  Thank the person who gave you this award (and include a link to her/his blog).

3.  Share 7 things about yourself.

4.  Nominate 15 bloggers (I won’t be doing this part just because it’s been way too long lol).

7 Things About Me:

1.  I recently wrote some poems about memory for a cognitive psych class and the professor(s) approached me with an offer to print them in the updated version of the course textbook! I’ll keep you posted if they decide to move forward with that.

2.  Even though it’s winter, I don’t actually own much of a winter coat. Instead, I prefer to wear layers of light jackets.

3.  My most recent hobby collecting obsession is acrylic stands of anime characters. I never thought I’d buy one, and here I am sitting with three with a fourth on the way. It’s an obsession that came fast and without warning. Perhaps I’ll save the rest of the story for a Cafe Talk . . .

4.  I love buying anime for my collection, but I like buying anime for siblings and friends even more.

5.  Believe it or not, all of my blogging work is done on a tiny hand-me-down ASUS tablet/laptop thing. I’ve never owned a desktop set-up, and while I never plan to, I do wish to upgrade to a nicer laptop sometime this summer. ^ . ^

6.  Recently, I’ve seriously picked up healthy eating and daily exercising to lose weight for cosplaying. The scale may not be giving me lower digits, but I certainly do feel better about myself.

7.  Spring is my favorite season. Like New Year’s, it’s a time for cleansing, revival, and of course, spring cleaning. With the warmer weather coming soon, I plan to strip down my old wall fabric patterns and put up a new bracketed shelf system for all my anime, manga, light novels, and other related items. It’ll be a lighter colored wood, which will be a nice change from the dark browns and blacks of my current furniture. Excited for spring!

And that’ll be all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed your February festivities. Thanks again Keiko! ‘Till next time!

– Takuto

Double the Uniqueness! Keiko & Crimson’s Nominations | Blogmas 2017 Day 6

Hey everyone, welcome to day 6 of Blogmas!

So some good news and bad news for today:

The Good—In the past 24 hours, I have read over 45 OWLS posts from May, June, and July, and now I only have August, September, October, November, and December left. Wow, ok, so it sounds like I still have a long ways to go, haha, but it’s still progress! I’ve also, for the most part, kept up with the “12 Days of Anime,” and that’s been a blast!

The Bad—Due to prioritizing my OWLS binge (plus I have my December post coming out TOMORROW, woohoo!), today’s post will be pretty short. I’ll be falling back on the “personal” post option that I established in the intro’s guidelines, so it should still be a fun read. Plus, it’s an award—these are things to celebrate!

Without further ado, here are two very belated Unique Blogger nominations, but ones that I promised to fulfill! I’m always very thankful to be able to leave an impression of myself upon others, and that I get to be a part of such a loving community of anibloggers. It’s through these seemingly trivial awards and nominations that meet so many new faces, and I learn so much about my online friends. So thank you both, Keiko and Crimson!


Keiko and Crimson’s Unique Blogger Award Nominations

The Rules:

#1 – Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.

#2 – Answer the questions.

#3 – In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.

#4 – Ask them 3 questions.

About Keiko (nominated 10/26/17)

Seeing as how we only met recently, I admittedly don’t know too much about Keiko. I DO, however, know that she writes many, many detailed episodic reviews for the given simulcast season, and that though her blog is self-named “A bubble of crappy anime reviews and the likes,” her reviews are neither crappy nor average. She’s cynical at times, yet seems fun to talk to, so go give her blog some love! (Keiko’s Anime Blog)

Keiko’s 3 Questions

1. If you were stuck in an anime universe, which would it be and why?

Assuming I would have been allowed the choice, hmm, that is hard. You see, I always find myself swaying between two genres: science fiction and fantasy, my mind and my heart. Since I’ve been in the sci-fi mood lately, however, I’ll pick the world of A Certain Scientific Railgun. Functioning as a sister series to A Certain Magical Index, the main story, Railgun seems light-hearted when it in fact is rife with some of the darkest secrets within the entire franchise. Why Railgun then? In Academy City, which is home to 2.3 million, most of the populace are espers, beings capable of utilizing their brain to achieve their own realities via special powers. Plus, the city has such a chic, hopful, futuristic aesthetic that is to DIE for.

Should I be allowed to pick a second universe, I’d go with Ghost in the Shell, a franchise that fully embraces cyber enhancements and the free, vastly infinite nature of the internet. You can become anyone and do anything in the future.

2. What anime left the biggest impression on you?

Easy one. Steins;Gate. It started me on the path to exploring science fiction in anime , leading me to discover more dystopian sci-fis like Ghost in the ShellPsycho-Pass, and of course, Neon Genesis Evangelion , my favorite anime of all time. Steins;Gate is just bloody brilliant, and I consider all of these works masterpieces.

3. If you were an animal, what would you be?

Kind of an odd question, haha, but one that still leaves me torn. Cats seem to live such peaceful lives, but that of a dolphin is much more exciting, where it is free to explore the entire depths of the great sea. Then there are birds, which can fly freely and soar above the clouds. I’ve always wanted to fly. If I had to pick, birds are the way to go.

Thanks again Keiko! Now onto Crimson!


About Crimson (nominated 10/15/17)

If y’all didn’t already know, Crimson and I go waaay back. Heck, we’ve even met in person! While I’ve remained here the whole time, Crimson has gone through much more blogging experience, including owning multiple blogs at once. Currently, she writes at “Crimson Blogs” the most. Anyway, she’s very funny, down to earth, and she loves to both write AND read, which are essential for being a great blogger. She also loves her fandoms, frequently getting me sucked into them through her wicked ways (My hero Academia). I always love reading her posts, as she frequently throws a personal twist in them that makes me understand her a bit more each time. If you’re not already, GO FOLLOW HER. DO IT! Tell her Takuto sent you, too. 😛

Crimson’s 3 Questions

1. If you could turn into any mythical creature, which would you be and why? And what would you do as this mythical creature?

Oh no, back with the creature-transformation questions, haha. As for what I’d like to be . . . can I make up my own? Similar to Paprika (from, well, the film Paprika) or even Reina Izumi from Myriad Colors Phantom World, I’d like to be a dream-eater. No, NOT the stealer of good dreams, but of bad dreams—nightmares, visions that put one on edge, causing constant anxiety throughout the night. Does something like this already exist? Anyway, I’m no therapist in real life, but I do think that people should get good sleep. By hovering around troubled individuals in spirit form, I could enter their dreams and help them fight off the force of evil eating away at their precious rest time. Then I could ease them into the deep, healthy REM sleep that they deserve. Call me your Dream Healer, or your Prince of the Night. What do you think of that?

2. Oh no! It’s the zombie apocalypse! What are your weapons of choice (up to 3 that you can realistically carry around) and what 3 bloggers would be on your survival team? Yes I’m thinking something similar to L4D.

OH CRAP, NOT ZOMBIES. I know virtually NOTHING about them, other than what is common knowledge, or what could be grasped from anime like Attack on Titan or Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Three weapons, hmm, can they be from games or anime LOL? If so, I’d pick the Portal gun, the Dominator from Psycho-Pass, and the thermoptic suit from Ghost in the Shell. Smart pick that last one is, no? Portal open—Dominator destroy—thermoptic effects on—Repeat. If you can’t beat ’em, RUN LIKE HELL.

Now for three bloggers? Hmm, Matt (Matt-in-the-Hatt) is too good of a Christian (bless your heart). Kausus (Otaku Gamer Zone) would just be inspecting my gadgets all the time, so he’s out too (sorry boo). Rocco B (In the Cubbyhole) is . . . actually, where have you been, buddy? We need to chat more!

You know, I’m just gonna play it safe and call on the Owlets, a trio of female anibloggers who run the Otaku Warriors for Liberty and Self-Respect, or OWLS (see, they’re already warriors, it’s only the best pick)! Composed of President Kat Sade (Grimm Girl) and the two lovely PR ladies, Naja (Nice Job Breaking It, Hero) and LitaKino (Lita Kino Anime Corner), these strong women already know how to fight the good fight, as they are constantly helping others overcome their insecurities while highlighting the good in the world. You three are my pick for the zombie apocalypse. And oh, if you’re not too busy Crimson, you can come too. ^.^

Seriously though, check out all of these wonderful people. 🙂

3. Related to Q2, what is your zombie apocalypse team survival playlist? Add as many or few songs as you’d like!

Since three seems to be the magic number here, I’ve got three hot tracks for ya:


Thanks again, Crimson! I won’t be nominating anyone due to these already being long-overdue, but they were tons of fun! Next time, hopefully I’ll be the one nominating you guys!

I’ve STILL got tons of catching up to do, what with OWLS posts and all the comments stacking up from the start of this holiday season, so this’ll wrap up Blogmas Day Six of the 12 Days of Anime! Thanks for reading, and I’ll catch you all tomorrow!

– Takuto, your host

I’ve Finally Been Recognized as Lovely! (One Lovely Blog Award)

Hey guys,

THE NOMMIES RETURN upupuPUPUPU! It’s been so long since I’ve been awarded one of these—it’s my first “Lovely Blog Award,” in fact! I also just happened to find a 20-min pocket of time, so why the heck not. This’ll be short, and you might learn a thing or two about me here in the next minute, so that’s cool. Special thanks to Mel (Mel In Anime Land) who happened to grace me with this nomination a couple weeks back. (I told you I’d get to it!) Check her out!


Ok, ok, here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog
  • Add the One Lovely Blog Award to your post
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass this on to as many people as you like (max 15)
  • Include this set of rules
  • Inform your nominees

And sorry, I won’t be nominating anyone because let’s face it: I can hardly keep up with everything as-is, plus this thing has likely made its rounds by now, haha. If you follow me or are just stopping by, go ahead and take this one on—I’m awarding anyone who feels willing to share more about themselves, for if you are reading this, you likely have good taste (and a lovely blog for sure, hehe :P).

Alright, let’s go!!

1. I was high school Homecoming Royalty

The king, in fact, hehehe! Why bring up high school now though (I mean, wasn’t it “the worst time of everyone’s life)? Well, my high school years weren’t half bad, my senior year being the saving grace. I also mention it now because, just a week ago, I got to hand off the crown to my sister, who is now the ruling queen—isn’t that kinda neat?! [insert “My Little Sister Can’t Be Royalty Just Like Me?!” light novel series here] Makes me wonder where she got it from, certainly not me, right? Ahaha, I kid, but seriously, it was tons of fun. To my class, who I know will never read this but regardless, thank you for all the laughs and the memories—it was an honor serving as your king over the past year~!

Would you have ever guessed it? Now you can can say you are friends with royalty 😀

2. I’m a night owl

Like Mel, I get most of my work done once the moon comes out. This can be a real inconvenience considering how, well, most people play by the sun, but somehow I make it through . . . by staying up late, waking up early, and feeling exhausted 24/7.

3. I LOVE granola bars

No, it’s like, really, really bad. Breakfast, lunch, snack, repeat. I am OBSESSED. I also like all kinds, simple chocolate chip or some kind of yogurt ones being my favorites. In fact, I hate nuts, but eating granola bars with nuts has given me a slight appreciation for them. Guess there are pros and cons to every addiction.

4. I LIVE for mystery stories and survival games

This is probably why anime like Gosick, Hyouka, Future Diary, Another, Higurashi, Fate/Zero, and, holy god, Danganronpa, my most recent obsession (besides the granola bars). I’ve traversed the entire franchise, watching the first anime many years ago, a Let’s Play of the second game last summer, and more Let’s Plays/video summaries of the other entries just these past couple weeks. I’m still searching for SOMETHING to fill the Danganronpa 3 void, so if you’ve got any recommendations, now’s the time to share . . .

Image result for danganronpa 3

5. I’ve done music all my life and honestly, it’s meh

Sad but true. I’ve dedicated at least 4/5 of my life to something that . . . well, I’m not sure why I’m still involved with anymore. I play the cello (in a symphony, a quartet, and a small trio), and I can’t help but wish, everyday, that I was doing something else: painting, drawing, reading, writing—anything! The only reason I’ve stuck with it is because of the pushy music staff here. If they weren’t so clingy and even rude sometimes, I would have wanted to stick around. But crappy people are everywhere, so for once, I don’t even know what the moral of this story is supposed to be. Call it wasted potential or a future regret like all the others, but I don’t think that’ll stop me from retiring. When I’M ready, I’ll start up again on my own time. Like, “Can I please just move on with my life?”

6. I’m trying to get into light novels more

From the little research I’ve done, Japanese light novels are designed to be affordable, dispensable, and easily digestible written works, either as standalone novels or for a much larger series. They are relatively easy to publish, and that’s awesome for budding authors. What I don’t like is that many, especially now (like all media), rely heavily on the infamous “light novel tropes” to sell copies and hook readers, and while on paper it’s like “whatever,” many animation studios as of late have decided to spend all of their time and manpower on adapting these often times cliche, poorly written books. That said, I want to get into light novels more (which is why on Twitter I asked for suggestions). I want to understand them better, and maybe see if I can, sometime down the line, craft my own.

7. I am a collector, not a renter

That’s right, I don’t go to the library, nor do I occasionally stream shows. Instead, if I can score big sales and [blind] buy a ton of crap I know I won’t get to for 7 years, I’m gonna do it!! It’s actually gotten really bad, haha, so much so that I went on a no-buy (that didn’t last) and realized that “OMG, if I actually watch and read the stuff I actually have, it wouldn’t just have to sit there!” A novel idea, I know. If it’s any consolation, I do buy my stuff at THE BEST price one could ever find it at, so I do know a good deal when I see one. Unfortunately, if I avoided shopping during sales, then that would save money, too.

But enough of that smart thinking stuff. Time to go blow $80 on Sentai DVDs of shows that I wouldn’t buy otherwise unless they were $10 a piece. 😛

That wraps up this award. Did you learn anything interesting about me? Did you sympathize with my problems or just find me to be a big whiner? Either way, I’m curious! Again, if you want an excuse to talk about yourself, I nominate YOU to do so! Just let me know if you did so I can read it and share it. Again, big shout-out and thank-you to Mel for the nomination—it was fun! ‘Till next time guys!

– Takuto, your host


The Liebster Still Lingers (Liebster Award)

Konbanwa, minna, today I bring you my last nomination from the Liebster Award’s returning wave. The nomination was granted to me by a blogger buddy whom, though I’ve just met, have already had great conversations with. Marvelously Mismatched is her blog name and she recently wrote about her exhausting 5-hour dress shopping nightmare. I could tell you the rest, but you’d do yourself a good chuckle if you read it for yourself here.

Since this thing has already been in circulation for a while, and because I’m in a little bit of a hurry to catch a dinner with friends, I thought I would just answer her questions and provide eleven random facts. I hope that doesn’t disappoint anybody ;_;

    1. What is the weirdest thing someone has ever said to you?

Hmm, that depends . . . I don’t really keep track of this stuff either. If we’re not considering the context of the conversation, I think memes are pretty weird things to spouted on by people. A classmate of mine during class has also given me some quotes from various hentai as compliments, thinking that I wouldn’t know what she was saying . . . yeah . . . I’ll leave those out to avoid further cheek blushing o_o

    2. What would be the last thing you did if the world was going to end?

If we’re saying that planet Earth would just simply explooodde . . . I could say sit around with my family like cornered mice and pray for divine intervention, but why be boring? Time permitting, I’d watch the ends of The End of Evangelion, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Steins;Gate in that order. Yep, I sound like one crazy ********

    3. White chocolate or milk chocolate?

White with cereal and meals, chocolate as a snack. Done.

    4. If you could make any character come to life who would it be and why?

Anime only? Kyubey, hehehehe, let’s all become magical girls together.

    5. What’s one thing you can’t live without?

Besides the necessities, cause duh, but my iPad, which is the vault of my mind and the seal of my heart’s desires . . . we’re joined at the hip. 🙂

    6. What character most resembles you?

Ahh, this question returns. I’ll say Shu Ouma for now.

    7. Do you have a pet peeve and if so what is it?

So I have a small anime collection (which is steadily growing, mind you) that I probably treasure more than a newborn child. Whenever some filthy casual just comes along latches their talons on a $70 collector’s box, ripping it off the shelf as the paper on the bottom of the box scratches and fades away, I absolutely snap. Please ask next time, and gently slide the DVD out – we’re not in any hurry, I mean, it’s not like the world is ending or anything . . .

    8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?

Either in a fancy apartment or a mansion here in the U.S., Europe, or Japan. That’s considering having the language fluent and being able to blend into the crowds well. >.<

    9. Are you a cat or dog person?

Cats, we’ve talked about this my blogger friends.

    10. What’s the most embracing (do you mean embarrassing?) thing that’s ever happened to you?

I mean, my life right now is one big slapstick comedy, so everything I do is embarrassing yet pretty normal 😀

    11. What is something or somethings you’ve never done but want to?

HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL WITH TONS OF SUBSCRIBERS! It sounds like a bucket of fun, but man, do I have the guts . . . ?

And now I have eleven random facts about me:

  1. I made a buttercream frosted cake for a mini summer/anime party with my siblings and it was gone within two days. This was three days ago -_-
  2. I prefer real-life conversations where the other party asks me the questions.
  3. I love to swim, even though I’m quite mediocre
  4. Watching video games has always been enjoyable for me, but playing them, meh.
  5. My birthday is rapidly approaching . . . kinda 😀
  6. I have two cats, one gray, one orange
  7. I’m currently reading Ethan Frome as a summer reading for school and so far, I die a little inside each time I turn a page.
  8. One of my favorite book series is the Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan. I read all 12 books and have not come across anything better so far.
  9. I meet with a small RPG group every other Friday or so at my house. I’m the DM, wooot!
  10. I carry around this 4 foot-ish bamboo stick that my mom bought at ACE Hardware for absolutely no reason
  11. I played Beyblade when I was in middle school – A true metal fight blader at heart!

And that’s all there is! Thank you Marvelously Mismatched for the nomination. I’m glad you think my blog is worthy of the award. Hopefully my not nominating other bloggers doesn’t throw off the balance of the universe 🙂 I’ll keep it quick, so until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host

I Broke the System (Liebster Award Follow-up)

So after I wrote up my last Liebster Nomination post by One Stop for all EnterTainmenT, I thought, huh, this felt a lot shorter than my first ever Liebster Nomination. Turns out it was shorter – a whole segment shorter, might I add. On HimAwARi’s award rules, it’s missing the “11 facts about you” part (either that or I copied it wrong), so today, I will be filling you all in with random stuff about me.

And of course, this is not an excuse to ‘not write’ reviews . . . 🙂

1. Lines annoy me, but crowds make me cringe.

2. I just finished performing for a friend-of-my-mom’s wedding. My bro, sis, and myself played classical pieces as a quartet trio. It went well.

3. There’s nothing better than watching anime during a nice long rain . . . to bad it NEVER showers where I’m at.

4. Although Negima!? and Steins;Gate among a few others got me into anime, it was A Certain Scientific Railgun that gave my watching the momentum I needed to continue.

5. I am actually quite young, but I feel so, so old.

6. YouTube is equivalent to oxygen at this point, in that I consume it every day and honestly can’t live without it.

7. Have you ever online shopped, added a sh*t ton of items to your cart, glanced at the total, laughed, then exited out? That’s my life right there.

8. According to my ratchet anime list that, by the way, contains the all of the shows I have watched and the season I watched them in (because I think the season reflects the mood or something), I am watching anime number 99, Nagi-Asu. I plan on celebrating with my 100th, but I’m not sure how yet . . .

9. Though I haven’t done it enough to truly say, I have enjoyed my cosplay experience thus far. Something about putting on a costume and acting as your favorite character(s) pleases me. I mean, we should all try to have fun, right?

10. I will be watching the Madoka Magica: Rebellion dub today because I bought it on Blu-ray because I AM A DIEHARD FAN AND WILL PAY $40 FOR THIS FILM. 😀

11. Lately, I have been doing (or die trying) to fit in light morning exercises to, ahem, “stay in shape.” I looked fine before, if I do say so myself, but I think these ‘workouts’ have been slowly helping . . . yeah, helping me become exhausted.

That’s all for now! For my nominees, you can either add on these 11 facts to your posts and rules or just forget about them – sorry for the forgetfulness and for breaking the system, but in a way it wasn’t entirely my fault. I just knew that something was missing! Haha, till next time everyone.

– Takuto, your host

Bringin’ It Back (Liebster Award)

Hi all, I couldn’t have been happier to, after finishing my lengthy Code Geass review, be celebrated with a nomination. It’s the Liebster Award, it has come back again . . . WOOT! Today’s nomination comes from HimAwARi of One Stop for all EnterTainmenT who if I am correct just started up their blog in June. Though still early, there are a few notable top anime lists for certain genres, a couple reviews, and some other life posts for you all to check out on their blog. Keep up the great work, and thank you so much for this nomination!

Now let’s get these questions rollin’:

          1. Favorite YouTuber

Dammit. Alright, I’ll have to go with Slightly Otaku. They are a zany trio of anime fans that unbox anime. The three are hilarious, and function best when they’re all there, but due to a recent hospital fee(s), they’ve had to cut back and sell off a few. I recently bought a Psycho-Pass limited edition box from Adrian, the one who owns the collection, to support his channel. I think they’re back in business now! Even though videos aren’t put up often, I still have been getting kick outta them for what, 2.5 years now? They’re fantastic, and you should join their 3,224 subscribers as soon as you can for instant hilarity!

          2. Cats or Dogs?

Cats. Most dogs just . . . bother me.

          3. Most favorite anime opening or ending song.

Wow, you’re really on a roll, aren’t you? Hehe, naw, just kidding. At this exact moment, I can’t stop listening to Kalafina’s “Heavenly Blue.” It’s the opening for ALDNOAH.ZERO.

          4. Most favorite quote

This one’s actually from an anime which I’m sure you’ve all heard of: Ouran High School Host Club. In one episode, the observant Kyoya -senpai goes on to explain the pros of having different personas at the Host Club, to which he remarks, “It’s all about variety.” I’ve taken this quote to heart ever since I noticed it the second time around, and have applied it to trying new, different things.

          5. An anime/manga/movie character you resemble the most. (not physical features)

At this moment and probably for the foreseeable future, Shu Ouma. Introverted, creative with music, and usually thrown into mayhem when he’d rather be alone . . . unless he’s quietly in the club room with a cute girl . . .

          6. Most favorite soundtrack.

Right now, since everything seems to be temporary with me, I’ve still got the kicks from Code Geass‘s orchestral epicness! I’ve been listening to this thing with a few friends as we played some RPG. Fantastic stuff ~

          7.  Swords or Guns?

It depends, really. Mami Tomoe – bring out the gun fight! Sinon, you too! But then you got Kirito and Tales of franchise. Hmm, I’ll have to go with guns for now . . . I mean, swords . . . sure . . .

          8. How were you introduced to anime?

Like the Otaku Judge said, “we have porn to thank for my love of anime.” For a better “grasp” on the situation, read here.

          9. Which is your favorite sports?

Swimming. I’m on the small team where I live and it’s pretty fun.

          10. On a range of 1-10 rate on how much you socialize with people.

I’d say I’m a solid 5. Come up and chat with me and we’re all fine and dandy, but I won’t go out of my way and force myself into conversation if I don’t have to.

          11. Which genre do you prefer the most?

Do I prefer? Well, I prefer any anime that actually gives me a complete god damn story at this point xD! But I tend to lean towards that mind-blowing or set in a dystopia.

Now for the nominees. Since I’ve already nominated people in the past, I’ve just got a few, and here they are:


Otaku Rui

The Huge Anime Fan

British Otaku


If you’ve already been nominated and you’re on the list, no problem, just comment below with a link to your Liebster Award Nomination post because I want to read it! For everyone, if there is a question here that you feel the need to answer, feel free – comment away! 🙂

Questions for my nominees (again, you can simply comment below with an answer to one if you have already been nominated):

1. What do you think of mecha anime?

2. What is one trope in anime that you haven’t got tired of yet?

3. *gasps* The wind just flipped her skirt up, what do you do?!

4. Magic or science, anime-wise?

5. What is one club in an anime that you wish you could be a member of?

6. Current favorite anime OP/ED?

7. What is one of your favorite endings to a movie/anime/game/book?

8. If you could travel back in time and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

9. Suppose you had an infinite amount of time to rewatch one anime, what would you choose?

10. How often do you read manga?

11. If this café served actual beverages/food by an anime character to you, what would you order and from whom??

Official Rules of the Liebster Award:

If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award AND YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:

  • Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  • Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”.
  • Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers.
  • Create a new list of 11 questions for the blogger to answer.
  • List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
  • Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!).

Thank you so much HimAwARi for allowing me to reflect with this nomination – I wouldn’t be writing this post if It weren’t for you :D! I hope you all enjoyed reading, stay awesome, and until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host

We All Have Dreams (Infinity Dreams Award)

Hi all, how’s your summer so far? Mine is lazy and hot, but I manage to squeeze a lot of fun outta it! A week ago (I know, I apologize for being so behind >.<), I received a wonderful little WordPress notification from Lovely of “Words & Wisdom” which included a nomination for the Infinity Dreams Award (that’s a lot of W’s). She blogs about her life with passion and writes reflective reviews of drama, anime, movies and books. She’s incredibly sweet and coincidently, “lovely!” Thank you so much Lovely for the nomination, and all of you should go follow her if you haven’t already (click here).

She gave me a little run down of the rules and such, so for my nommies I have written up a little rubric. Hope this helps:

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their site

– Write seven of your biggest dreams and talk about them as you see fit

– Nominate other bloggers you think should receive the award

Alright! Seven dreams, here we go!

1. To be socially rich.

Not like hanging out with rich snobs or having money spilling out of my awfully-dry pockets (though that could help!), what I mean is to have surplus of people to be friends with. I want so many friends in life that I’ll appreciate quite time alone as a sweet little award every now and then rather than going out be my treat!!

2. To be a well-known blogger/writer.

This is a dream that both Lovely and I happen to share, and hopefully we both make it (fingers crossed)! While she is determined that blogging is what she was born to do, I’m still waiting in the long line of future decisions and goals. I don’t know what I want to pursue career-wise, but one thing I know is true: I will not take a boring and tedious office job if I can strike it famous blogging. Then again, who wouldn’t? I still juggle the idea of starting a YouTube channel to review anime and such, but I always hesitate on taking it up because “what if I’m boring and/or am super slow with content??” Scary ~

3. To travel places.

Another dream we have in common. Now with this, I can confirm that I was meant to scour the whole wide world, and if I could, space travel would be amazing too! Where I live, life and landscape is so flat – can I at least get some city life? More local coffee shops or a better mall? Sheesh. C’mon, let’s go travel! To quote Kaori Makishima from Oreimo (Saori’s older sister), “My home is my base of operations for adventuring throughout the world” or something like that.

4. To always love anime as a hobby.

People always tend to swap between hobbies when they see more interesting things or are sick of the old hobby. I don’t blame them, it’s just a human thing. But I always want to love anime! I hope I continue to support it and it continues to support me with memorable stories and relatable characters. Such a fascinating media that I have made a home out of, to bad not everyone can appreciate it, but there are also those who try – that makes me happy, too 🙂

5. To be financially supportive of myself, my hobbies, and future individuals/family.

This one’s kinda a “no duh” dream, but it is something that rings in the back of my brain. What if the job I stick with doesn’t pay much, but I am happy? Is that good enough? It can be a terrifying thought, which is why it is a dream of mine.

6. To be happy with my future and any career I take up.

Going hand-in-hand with the last one, I want to earn money AND be happy with going to work. Last thing I want is that office job . . . oh God no. It’s a continuous yet true gag I chuckle about. With my job, I want to be creative, unique, and feel needed/satisfied with myself, and that can usually only stem from an enjoyable occupation.

7. To have Esper powers like teleporting and controlling electricity.

(inner Railgun child resonate!!)

7. To be successful and memorable.

As necessary as failure is to develop other skills, I do mostly want to be successful. I want to leave behind treasures for others when I’m gone, whether it’s a novel, a business, a family, art, a song, heck, even my own anime (TRUE BIGGEST DREAM RIGHT HERE FOLKS)! The last thing I want besides that office job is to fade away without a trace. That’s just sad and ultimately a waste and a disappointment in my eyes. Go out with a bang, and leave behind the greatest gifts, ya know!?!

Now to my nommies . . . by the blogger power invested in me, “I am the bone of my sword,” and by Kyubey’s supervision, I wish to rewrite the laws of the universe, becoming Takukami in the process, and award the Infinity Dreams Award to . . .

EACH AND EVERY ONE OF MY FOLLOWERS! Café-goers, rise up and realize your potential as a member of the Survey Corp and let us awaken Eva Unit-01 Together!! We all have dreams, and if you’re following me, I hope your dreams come true, too. But remember, you are the only one who can make your dreams come true, so work hard! Thanks to Lovely one last time, and be sure to send me a link to your nominations, as I would love to read them! Until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host