Awards & Challenges

Celebration time! Here is a list of blog awards Takuto’s Anime Café has been nominated for. Feel free to browse some of my achievements notified by various bloggers in the community. Thank you so much, friends!

I’ve Been Nominated!? (Liebster Award)

Ray of Sunshine! (Sunshine Award)

Second Time Around (Sunshine Award)

We All Have Dreams (Infinity Dreams Award)

It’s Real Neat to Have Blogger Friends (Real Neat Blog Award)

Bringin’ It Back (Liebster Award)

I Broke the System (Liebster Award Follow-up)

The Liebster Still Lingers (Liebster Award)

Takuto Officially Accepts the 30-Day Song Challenge!

I’ve Finally Been Recognized as Lovely! (One Lovely Blog Award)

Animepalooza’s 50 Otaku Facts Tag!

Double the Uniqueness! Keiko & Crimson’s Nominations

The End of a Lovely Month! (Keiko’s Nomination)

My First Mystery Blogger Award (Megan’s Nomination)

Give it a Light Novel Title Challenge (Keni’s Nomination)

38 thoughts on “Awards & Challenges

  1. I feel like I keep bothering you @_@ but I was nominated for the free spirit award again and decided I’d re-nominate you, this means you can now choose between two prompts (the new one is more anime specific) or if you want, you can do both, enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why hello there, fellow stalker, I believe I recall you liking one of my posts. Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it. Would you prefer Rose or Alice, as I see two names there.
      And thank you for the lovely award! I’m glad you think my little blog is awesome 😀 Due to the time crunch(es) I am in, I am not sure when I will get to this award . . . But it will happen, I am sure of it! Thank you again!

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      • Fellow stalker. That’s an honor! ^^ I do enjoy your posts. I don’t mind reading all of them, even your random updates. XD Rose is fine. I’m sorry for the confusion. Haha. And you are welcome. Your little blog is an inspiration to me. 😀 I have just started blogging so I am learning from your writings. I hope you don’t mind. XD But of course, please take your time. I will be diligently waiting. Nice meeting (?) you! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Aww, that means so much! No confusion whatsoever, just my curiosity, Rose XD I had assumed you were new, as suddenly you’re coming up in a few posts I have read, which is awesome. I’m an amateur blogger, trust me. LitaKino, Shiroyuni, LynLyn, the Otaku Judge and other friends of mine are much better models, but I will try to look impressive when I can, haha! I’m also a slower blogger, so if you learn one thing, it’s to post when YOU can. This loving community will wait for you 🙂 Waiting diligently? Well, that is an honor to hear. It’s very nice to meet you (again). I am Takuto, your host, and welcome to my little cafe ~

        Liked by 1 person

      • Im sorry if most of my posts aren’t into your interest. Haha. I am still figuring out what else to do with my blog so I might have posted something random. Forgive me for that. Haha. If that’s the case, then you’re one cool of an amateur! Trust me. XD I have also stalked your other friends. They’re all cool just like you. Thank you for the advice Takuto-kun! I’ll bear that in mind. Loving indeed. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award! | Alice Goes YOLO

  3. That’s a lot of awards. You sure are popular. I get nominations from time to time, but I tend to ignore them as I’m not very good at writing entertaining answers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awards used to be a HUGE deal when starting up. I remember everyone in the community flocking to small blogs like mine just to give a hand and put us out there, to which I am still grateful towards. Nowadays, they’re rare to come by, as you say, and my laziness (and lack of interesting things to say) tends to put me off–which is SAD considering how much they used to mean to me! I’ve got a list of people who I owe nomination posts to, so perhaps one of these days I’ll see to it that justice is done. I am a man of my word, after all!

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