30-Day Song Challenge Day 27: A Song You Make Fun Of

I don’t usually make fun of anime music, so IDK, does that make me weird? I mean, I guess there’s this one song . . .

From Strike Witches, “STRIKE WITCHES ~Watashi ni Dekiru Koto~ ” by Yoko Ishida

Oh, the Strike Witches ~ What’s to say about these lovely ladies? Well for starters, for combat, they arm their legs (funny, right) with modified plane parts (or they look it?) and fly using their witch powers. Day and night, these troopers soar to new heights, destroying enemy alien craft called the Neuroi. Firing rapid machine gun rounds, pulverizing with rocket launchers, and puncturing large holes with sniper rifles, these girls are indestructible! So besides dealing with jet legs after all that nationwide flying (hah, I’m just so punny today), what else do their uniforms entail? Umm, actually, that’s it. Just legs. I mean, they wear ‘panties’ and some have caps, but yeah . . . feeling a bit breezy in here . . . But JK they actually have shirts, but only when they’re out on patrol 😉 Strike Witches is, like most anime, a very pleasant show if you don’t mind the fan service, having a nice story, awesome characters, and whatever else you can expect from a military magical girl show!

Besides imagining Major Sakamoto barreling “MIIYYAAAFUUUJIII” from the bottom of her gut, whenever I hear this song, there’s only one word that rings in my head:


Witch is why I giggle and make fun of it like a five year-old )-^-^-(. Hey, it was either this or Vividred, but OH GOD we’re not talking about that show in this cafe. NOPE. Wow, there’s only three days left after today. I better start picking some more ‘striking’ tunes. Get it? Okay, I’ll stop while I’m ahead . . . “Bookmark Ahead.”

And yes. That is the ending theme.

– Takuto, your host