All Things New This Lunar Year

“A tiger never returns to his prey he did not finish off.”

Chinese Proverb

As of the writing of this post, two New Year celebrations have eclipsed this blog—both the global New Year and the Lunar New Year, which just occurred yesterday. And, with every new year comes new starts.

Since writing my last post, I realized needed a few more months to decide what I wanted to do with the blog going forward. Grad school had been hammering away at me, but conditions have lightened since the start of a new semester. So I’m back this time, and hopefully I’ll be sticking around for a bit longer.

In the time I was absent, my blog reached a pivotal milestone: 100k all-time views. (THANK YOU!) Some bloggers hit this milestone in their first couple years. For me, it took over 7, but I suppose we run this race at our own pace, don’t we? That said, I’m incredibly grateful for the support and traction that the blog has been receiving in my absence. Whether I write or not, it would seem that hundreds of views roll in each week regardless. The internet works in mysterious ways, but I’m thankful for every single one of them.

This brings me to my next point: content. Last update, I said I would start releasing posts for all the videos that have yet to be shared on the blog. Yeah, that didn’t happen. I think I want to start clean and just share the videos I’ve uploaded in 2022 so far, but we’ll see what I end up doing. More anime content would come, if only for the fact that I haven’t watched much lately. Some rewatches here and there, but the only new title I’ve watched in the past month was Vivy—and that was a damn good show. Maybe I ought to review it, or perhaps revisit my favorites in new kinds of reflection posts. Much to think about.

As for the novel I was working on, that also took a halt—but in a good way I guess. I’ve been trying to read more these days, and I feel like I have a better grasp on what exactly I want to write from what I’ve read. I plan to restart my work on the novel in favor of taking a new perspective to it. Hopefully it’ll see the draft stage sooner rather than later.

One last thing (and probably my biggest reason for blogging again)—I just got a wireless keyboard for my iPad! My laptop has been decaying for some time, and while I meant to buy a new computer this past summer, I settled on a tablet instead for the sake of digital reading. BEST DECISION EVER. And now with my Bluetooth keyboard, writing has never felt easier. I actually want to write on it.

2022 is the year of the Tiger, which happens to also be my sign. Maybe that means I’ll have crazy luck or something—it sure would be nice! I hope you all have been doing well and staying safe. It snowed this morning, which means it’ll be annoyingly frigid where I’m at for at least a few weeks. When the spring day comes, I’ll be the first person you’ll hear it from—this much I promise you. Happy Lunar New Year to all my friends celebrating, thank you again for 100k, and stay warm!

– Takuto