Sword Art Online Novel 02 Mini-Review & Chance to Win $50

Evening all,

For those who get the RightStuf.com emails, you would know that recently (or at least I noticed recently) that each month they apparently raffle off $50 as a giveaway incentive to those that write a review for a product in their store. All you need is an account (FREE and easy to make), but if you shop there regularly, then you probably already have one! All you have to do is follow their instructions that I’ve listed below. Be wary that there is a character limit – That bit me in the rump. Anyone can enter. Simple as that!


I make this announcement because their system just caught wind of my Sword Art Online Novel 02: Aincrad Part 2 mini-review, and I had just double-checked to see if it was posted in their store. IT WAS! I can’t believe that I’ve just embedded myself into the RightStuf system, but I’ve done it, and there’s no going back – It’ll be there FOREVER muahahaha! If you’d like to check out my mini-review over the product, CLICK HERE. Maybe it’ll inspire you to pick it up yourself! I’d be overjoyed ^.^

But that’s all I’ve got for now. Stay tuned for a review of The Heroic Legend of Arslan or Sound of the Sky, whichever comes first! Who knows, maybe something else random will pop up and I’ll have to brag about it XD. Have a wonderful Friday tomorrow, and until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host