Catching Up With the HOT 2019 Summer Simulcast Season!

I’m sure nobody has been curious, but given my silence I thought I’d make a post just to say that NO, I’m not dead (just busy with school starting again), and YES, I am finally catching up with all the great summer anime! Wahoo!

Before I get on to the new stuff, about the old, I still do intend on reviewing Wise Man’s Grandchild from last season, as it’s the only show I haven’t talked about yet. Not sure when that’ll come out, but hopefully the wait won’t be too long.

Now, let’s catch up with summer!

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Fire Force

It’s no surprise that I’d be watching this series. Cool character designs, incredible animation, lovable cast, and OH GOD THAT OPENING. One of the good aspects about jumping into a season late is getting to binge watch half the season right off the bat (and boy you already know). Fire Force is one of three Funimation simuldubs I am following this season, and can I just say that Derick Snow is KILLING IT as our favorite edgy smiling boy, Shinra Kusakabe!!

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Astra Lost in Space

Simuldub title #2. Fire Force has already won me over as best production of the season (I have not seen Vinland Saga or Dr. Stone), but Astra’s story is definitely more up my alley. A sci-fi adventure in space with a dash of intrigue and mystery, Astra Lost in Space was a show that I was actually planning on reading the manga to long before the adaptation was announced, but I never got around to picking up those five volumes. Well, let me just say that I have high hopes for this series, and I think it’ll turn out amazing so long as it stays on course.

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A Certain Scientific Accelerator

My love for the Toaru franchise is slowly coming back to me after binging all of Index’s third season, so it was only natural that I’d watch the Accelerator spin-off. I haven’t started it yet, but I am a bit hesitant due to J.C.Staff’s recent handling of, well, the mess that was Index III. Since Funimation’s dub is what saved that train wreck for me, I’m prayin’ for this series, and I look forward to starting the simuldub.

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The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II

This series has so many different sub titles, but this is the one I’m settling with. I just caught up the OVA episode 0 that aired some months ago, and I hope the series itself contains even more episodic mysteries and quirky Fate character stuff. From the one episode that I’ve seen, it’s nice to know that Waver found himself a pleasant group of people to be around. Can’t wait to binge the series’ first half.

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Ooohhhh this series, why have I not started it yet!?! Given was actually my most-anticipated title of the summer before the heat hit us, but that was before I considered watching some of the other shows on this list. Who knows though, seeing as how much happiness this series has already brought people so far, I really am excited for this one.

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Demon Slayer

I’M LATE TO THE KIMETSU NO YAIBA PARTY I KNOW, but I finally turned a leaf and have converted to the Demon Slayer faith. Nothing about the story itself intrigues me per se, but holding out on Ufotable’s godsend animation and those gorgeous character designs no longer became an option for me. Absolutely hyped to catch up with all this glorious content. And hey, if I don’t end up getting to it here soon, it’ll be nice to binge as a leftover.

Other shows I may pick up as leftovers: O Maidens in Your Savage Season, Try Knights, Carole & Tuesday, Mix

Seasonal line-up posts are some of the easier posts to write, so not sure why this took so long lol. Probably cause my siblings are off at school now (as am I), and because I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could before they left, I’m just now getting around to anime again. Well, excited to be back, both for seasonal watching and blogging!

Are we watching any of the same shows? Fire Force fam, where ya at!? ‘Till next time, friends!

– Takuto, your host

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