The End of a Lovely Month! (Keiko’s Nomination)

Hello all!

As the title indicates, to wrap up this month of love and affection I’ll be responding to the “One Lovely Blog Award” that Keiko (Keiko’s Anime Blog) nominated me for back in, what, November of 2018? Yikes, little behind, but better late than never, right?

I always enjoy chatting with Keiko, and I particularly like seeing what she’s been up to reading-wise in her “Weekly Reads” segment. She’s also currently at the end of the 28-Day Shoujo Challenge for February 2019, so now’s a great time to catch up on what she’s been up too. Thanks for nominating me Keiko!


1.  Display Award.

2.  Thank the person who gave you this award (and include a link to her/his blog).

3.  Share 7 things about yourself.

4.  Nominate 15 bloggers (I won’t be doing this part just because it’s been way too long lol).

7 Things About Me:

1.  I recently wrote some poems about memory for a cognitive psych class and the professor(s) approached me with an offer to print them in the updated version of the course textbook! I’ll keep you posted if they decide to move forward with that.

2.  Even though it’s winter, I don’t actually own much of a winter coat. Instead, I prefer to wear layers of light jackets.

3.  My most recent hobby collecting obsession is acrylic stands of anime characters. I never thought I’d buy one, and here I am sitting with three with a fourth on the way. It’s an obsession that came fast and without warning. Perhaps I’ll save the rest of the story for a Cafe Talk . . .

4.  I love buying anime for my collection, but I like buying anime for siblings and friends even more.

5.  Believe it or not, all of my blogging work is done on a tiny hand-me-down ASUS tablet/laptop thing. I’ve never owned a desktop set-up, and while I never plan to, I do wish to upgrade to a nicer laptop sometime this summer. ^ . ^

6.  Recently, I’ve seriously picked up healthy eating and daily exercising to lose weight for cosplaying. The scale may not be giving me lower digits, but I certainly do feel better about myself.

7.  Spring is my favorite season. Like New Year’s, it’s a time for cleansing, revival, and of course, spring cleaning. With the warmer weather coming soon, I plan to strip down my old wall fabric patterns and put up a new bracketed shelf system for all my anime, manga, light novels, and other related items. It’ll be a lighter colored wood, which will be a nice change from the dark browns and blacks of my current furniture. Excited for spring!

And that’ll be all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed your February festivities. Thanks again Keiko! ‘Till next time!

– Takuto

13 thoughts on “The End of a Lovely Month! (Keiko’s Nomination)

  1. All the best with the weight loss. I found that intermittent fasting can be effective. Although my diet could be better I try to limit myself to only eating between 1pm and 8pm.

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  2. Awh thanks for the kind words!! 😊 I’m glad you got a chnace to get around to writing the post! Those were great answers! Getting your poems published is amazing so do keep us updated! Also, I’d love to read them 😮

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