30-Day Song Challenge Day 25: An Acoustic Song You Love

Surprise, surprise – Takuto is cheating again! But don’t worry, he has a good excuse for it 😉

Does acoustic in this context mean that the singer is still singing, but the instrumentals are ‘unplugged?’ Yeah, I don’t think I’ve got any of those, but I do know one song that is an acoustic remix. That ought to count, right?

From Evangelion 2.22, “Beautiful World -PLANiTb Acoustica Mix-” by Utada Hikaru

It’s got “acoustic” it the name, so it works for me XD As soon as the solemn guitar chord strokes ushered in the credits, I nearly started sobbing. A rendition of the first ending song just with an acoustic remix (hence the name), I immediately started downloading this song through some sketchy of course legal means 😛 It’s such a fascinating tune, and I think I posted the original sometime during the challenge . . . did I? Muah, I can’t remember. But for now we have the present, and this is the song I choose. I love it so much!

Agh, more Eva fangasms, they can’t be helped! This is such a rich song of feels, and I hope you enjoy listening to it. The non-electric guitar holds up fantastically with this remix, so I think that it works for today’s challenge. Stay tuned tomorrow where I hopefully don’t have to ‘cheat.’ Hope you all had a pleasant Labor Day. Later days!

– Takuto, your host

6 thoughts on “30-Day Song Challenge Day 25: An Acoustic Song You Love

  1. Pingback: Takuto Officially Accepts the 30-Day Song Challenge! | Takuto's Anime Cafe

  2. Pingback: 30-Day Song Challenge Day 30 (FINALE): Songs That Would Be The Theme Song To A TV Show About Your Life | Takuto's Anime Cafe

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