Blogging, Traveling, & Anime Watching This Summer

Hey guys!

This upcoming summer is my first summer break working an adult job . . . and I chose teaching, which means I have the next couple months off. Sooo, I think I want to try regular blogging again throughout the summer . . .


I’m still deciding what kind of content it’ll be. I’ll probably steer clear of “regular anime reviews,” which is too bad for most because it’s the blog’s raison d’etre that I seem to have abandoned a couple years back (RIP). Instead, I might dabble with anime-related topics floating around my life, subjects like tackling the backlog, collecting habits, art books, etc. Of course, if I end up truly going rogue, you might stumble across ramble/rant posts, manga/reading updates, and general lifestyle posts.

My goal with writing more throughout the summer isn’t necessarily to “revive” the blog. Sometime between my transition from undergrad to graduate school, I’d reached a state of contentment with my lackadasical writing habits and infrequent pop-ins (if that wasn’t already obvious). I guess I find myself with a bit more time these days, and I remembered blogging being a more productive way to exert this extra creativity than simply lounging around, especially against the summer heat.

I’ve also found myself more drawn to travel videos these days. Lots of Japan and Korea, but even some South American and European vlogs have made their way onto my YouTube recommendations. These videos have made me needlessly restless. Yet, I’ve also been inspired by their informal, almost spontaneous communication style. (Years ago, blogs used to be THE places for this kind of thing!)

Last summer, I studied abroad as the capstone of my graduate career. I’m normally SUCH a homebody, so it’s frustrating that I feel so much urgency to GET OUT AND EXPLORE ;_; And traveling is expensive, too! ACK. Despite efforts to resist, the travel bug still lingers from those sunny days, so I’ve made sure to pack my summer schedule this year with plenty of city trips and country drives. I hope this energy will transfer to a momentum to write as well.

So, as the spring breeze rolls into a summer storm, that’s where I’m at with my upcoming seasonal “plans.” You might’ve noticed that I used a Violet Evergarden visual for this post’s header image. Although I never formally reviewed the series or its films, I’d like to try and sit down to compose some thoughts over it now that I’ve rewatched it all. (It’s got loads of travel in it, so a reflection about soul-searching or finding a place to belong might be the direction I take with it, maybe . . . Hey, if it ends up being the subject of the next post, then I’ll have actually stuck to a blogging commitment for once!)

IF all of this ends up flopping, well, I hope it would’ve been for good reasons. I just want to have fun with writing this summer, and I’d like as many of you to be a part of the experience with me 🙂 ‘Til next time, be it tomorrow, the day after, or the days after that~!

– Takuto

8 thoughts on “Blogging, Traveling, & Anime Watching This Summer

  1. Those sound like great plans for Summer! Yeah, every Spring I start to get the traveling itch too, and I just have to get out of the house! I think it’s because I live some place that gets pretty nasty weather in the Winter, there’s a lot of days of having to stay in doors. So, once the weather perks up in the Spring and Summer, I want to spend all my time outside and adventuring.

    Liked by 4 people

    • That makes sense, and I’m glad I’m not alone! It’s like, I don’t even need to go “far” so much as be anywhere but “here,” if that makes sense. There’s so much to do and see—why am I sitting around?? Agh! Hope you get the chance to get out this summer as well, wherever you decide to go!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow just realised 10yrs has passed since you started blogging, that is a journey in of itself. Whilst we both travel different paths these days, I do find myself strolling down on the once old trodden path once in a while. Good to see you’re doing well Takuto 🙂.

    Keep up with your endeavors too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my gosh, has it really been that long?? I hadn’t even realized, but you’re right! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing such kind words. Your bio says Roki—this isn’t Rocco, is it?? We’ve seen so many friends come and go in our time blogging, so it’s comforting when the orbit swings us back around to each other. I hope you are well! And keep it up yourself!—I’ll have to follow your “new” blog if I’m not already! ^ . ^

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      • Yeah, it has been that long. Yup, Roki is Rocco, I always change usernames at a drop of a hat 😅, annoying I know, my bad. So many came and went, it is comforting that we do swing back around to each other. I’m glad you’re doing really well Takuto 😀. Myself, doing alright, when I’m not having to stay up insane hours all because my dopey cat Leo wants to do his cat guard duties, don’t have a cat flap, otherwise a stray cat I named Mooch can enter, he has done that before, had the kitchen window open, Mooch jumped in, saw my mum, jumped back out again … more like bolted it actually. Then another stray cats one I dubbed Nibby, not sure what the gender of Nibby is. Refereeing Nibby and Leo, tiring. You take care Taku!! 😀


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