My (Belated) Spring 2019 Simulcast Line-Up!

If you’ve followed me for even a month, you’d know that tardiness is a characteristic that I excel at, unintentionally.

Hello all, how have you enjoyed the spring anime season so far? Despite my not announcing it, I am following a couple shows this season. What might that be, you ask? Well—one month later than planned—let’s take a look!

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Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2

Y’all already KNOW I’m loving the return of AoT. Two episodes in and I feel like we’ve already covered so much ground, story-wise. Looking forward to more kickass Sawano, more epic cinematic animation, and more mysteries unveiled. So glad to be back in this universe—for me, any wait, no matter the length, is worth it for more AoT.


Fruits Basket (2019)

Alright, I haven’t actually started this one on account of trying to finish the OG first. That said, I only have four episodes left, so I can’t wait to jump in on all the fun. While I really like what I’m currently getting with the old FB, I absolutely love what I’m seeing of the new stuff on twitter!

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Wise Man’s Grandchild (Kenja no Mago)

Sooo, it was pretty much the poster visual that convinced me to watch this series. (It reminded me of Negima!, which inspired me to revisit the Negi manga.) And while I want to lump it in with the rest of these generic stuck-in-another-world garbage heaps we’ve been getting recently, I’m honestly having too much fun with Kenja no Mago‘s story to really care. Its innocent, self-aware comedy timed with a magical world that pulls the viewer in makes for an entertaining enough combination.

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Carole & Tuesday

Oh man, Carole & Tuesday. Of all the titles here, I anticipate this will be the one that’ll squeeze the life out of me and leave me out to dry. As one of the few people who was actually looking forward to this anime before seeing the duet scene (which you should totally watch even if just for that), I have really high hopes for it (as in wreck me, plz).

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. . . And here’s one that I had absolutely no intention of watching, yet can’t seem to avoid no matter where I go. EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE GAY IKUHARA COP SHOW, and we love a conversation. This might turn into a spring leftover for me, but I’ll still dare to try.

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Sounds of Life (Kono Oto Tomare!)

Man, this spring really is full of pretty people, isn’t it? Last but certainly not least is Sounds of Life, a music drama anime that I’ve been looking forward to ever since the first promo came out. Not much to report on it, as I haven’t started (and unfortunately, not many are talking about it), but aside from Fruits Basket and Carole & Tuesday, if there’s one other show that’ll be going around and breaking hearts this season, you can bet it’ll be this one.

Other shows I may pick up as leftovers: Fairy Gone, One Punch Man 2

And there you have it, my highly anticipated line-up for the spring 2019 season! Are we following any of the same titles? If we’re not, is there something I should be watching? Let me know in the comments! Until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host