Happy Valentine’s Day: You Are (Not) Alone

Minna san, konnichi wa!

As you all know, V-day is tomorrow, and I want to wish all of you a happy day full of love, family, friends and food! 🙂

I have been reserving this weekend to tackle one of anime’s most confusing titles, Neon Genesis Evangelion. I plan to watch the series first, then the End of Evangelion movie, and finally the remake movies, which I am most excited for. To be honest, I don’t really want to watch the series, just the movies, but hey, I better view this classic to its entirety!

For those who have seen it, do you have to watch the series? Or can you skip to the movies without losing too much detail? So puzzling!

Thank you to all of my new followers – you guys are the best! Also, thanks for reading my anime reviews – I greatly appreciate it! Happy Valentine’s Day from Takuto’s Anime Cafe, and until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host