30-Day Song Challenge Day 4: Songs That Remind You Of Something Sad

Konbanwa, minna, it’s late, so let’s just jump right into it. (oh, and be glad I didn’t give you the full crying Dekamori :))

Angel Beats! – “Ichiban no Takaramono” Performed by LiSA, lyrics by Maeda Jun

Let’s get this one over with. Angel Beats!, yep, I cried like a lil’ b*tch when this played at the very end, no shame. The song, though it doesn’t have a whole lot of personal memories, it does remind me of the last episode, which, if you’ve been living under a rock, is sad. Very sad. Just envisioning him desperately grasping out, clutching to invisible air where that Angel once stood . . . nope, I can’t . . . *reaches for nearest sleeve and rubs nose*

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! – “Surechigau Kokoro To Kokoro”

It was only like the saddest song from the light-hearted rom-com, right? This song plays very few times, and someone kindly looped it so that we could enjoy it again and again. It reminds me of how fast time flies by from youth to young adult. I guess that’s not a lot of time, and I am no poet, but it honestly reminds me of the days when my siblings and I dressed up in silly epic costumes and ran around the house throwing fireballs and magic crystals at each other, jamming out to “Final Countdown” and the Sailor Moon OST from that episode when she was riding a meteor or something. My older brother is now in college, and my sister is a sophomore in high school. I die a little inside each time I think to myself: “There’s no going back now, we’re only getting older. We’ll probably all have families of our own not too far from now, and our kids will be secretly running around the house throwing magic as I did. But I’ll be slaving away at my work, whatever and wherever that may be.” But all of me wishes to stay young with my family forever – when it is okay to be naïve; unknowing was the greatest joy. I guess I kinda wish for the impossible, right haha? 😥    *takes a deep sigh*

Pandora Hearts – “Everytime You Kissed Me” by Yuki Kajiura, vocals by Emily Bindiger

I honestly don’t know where to begin with this one. Of all of the music I have ever listened to, this one has hit me the hardest without a doubt. I ran into this song on the web, and it made me want to check out the manga, which I was already eying because it has such pretty cover artwork. Once I’m done with the manga, I plan to watch the anime.

I distinctly recall sitting on a long, cold school bus ride. It was night – pitch black out – and my window just happened to be that one that never rolls up all the way, so cold air would seep through and rush into my eyes. But rather than complaining about my seat – rather than rise up to join the welcoming, friendly conversations, I sat against that frigid window, plugged this song into my headphones, and sat quietly as the frosty wind froze the tears in my eyes so they never fell.

Another time, a friend in my art class was wondering what I was listening to. I didn’t know how to share my passion for anime at the time, so I had just said it was “some music.” She pestered me all class, and finally I wrote down the title for her and gave her this crumpled little note with pencil lead scratched all over it. I doubt she ever gave it a listen, and I’ll probably never know, but part of me doesn’t want to for some reason.

It’s a heart-wrenching tune with crude yet beautifully haunting lyrics. It’s one of my most precious gifts I can share with you guys, and maybe you’ll enjoy it, too 🙂

Well, I guess I’ll be up all night now thinking about depressing stuff. Such is life, I suppose. Did you find interest in this deeper side of Takuto? I choked up a bit at writing some of this thinking “Gosh, do I want the internet to know this?” But then I thought, “Naw, it’s not that bad, I’ll throw it out there for anyone that cares.” I gotta get some zzzz’s now, so until tomorrow, this has been

– Takuto, your host

TCTX Aniblogger Club: Favorite OPs and EDs of Spring 2015

Hello everyone, I’m here with something a little different. Trystan over at Let’s Talk Anime proposed this genius idea of starting an aniblogger club, and naturally I said H*LL YES! Well, not quite as aggressive, but the passion was all the same. Together with Cassandra aka The Huge Anime Fan, we of TCTX Aniblogger Club each present our fave OPs and EDs of Spring 2015. Let’s get rolling! (PS, I made the logo plastered above, do you like it?)

Most of these have been edited to avoid copyright. I know it sucks, but hey, at least it’s here!

From Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) 2nd Season comes “Brave Shine” by Aimer

Gawd, I haven’t heard Aimer since No.6 during my anime exploration days, and let me just say that I nearly cried when I heard them again. *sniff sniff* Anyway, the song is one of my favorites this season because the vocals feel so soft against such a passionate, slow rock song. It feels sincere, almost apologetic for all of the chaos the show itself carries. Visuals by Ufotable are the best in animation, like always, but in this opening they feel even more fresh. The best part is after the cool intro and the verse, when the chorus explodes like the very rock Berserker is sliding on – crazy EPIC! UBW is without a doubt spiraling towards the end, masters and servants killed left and right, and it’s only a matter of time before Shirou and Saber uncover the truths of the Holy Grail War where all of hell will be unleashed.

My second fave opening this season is “DREAM SOLISTER” by TRUE from Sound! Euphonium

This song wins my fave status because of its relevance to the actual show. With its bright brass intro followed by a bass polka groove, the girls spin around as they are each introduced. After that, the overly catchy chorus breaks through like a girl jumping through the sky! It’s such a fitting song for a high-energy, positive, youthful, fluffy show about the love of music – specifically concert band. I dance jig around every time this opening plays!

Onto fave endings, first is “Lapis Lazuli” by Eir Aoi from The Heroic Legend of Arslan

I’ve loved Eir Aoi’s works ever since Sword Art Online and Fate/Zero, but this is by far her best song ever. Kicking off with a powerful vocal solo, the song ushers in a beautiful melody. The electric guitar and the drums continue on until the singer comes back in with smooth, argumentative rhythm. Then that intro tune flares back up in the chorus, ending on a suspenseful note. All the while, we get scenes from Arslan’s journey and flashes of the moon radiating above. This is probably my fave out of the entire spring season just because I love the bass drum beat and the catchy tune! Overall, the song sounds sad, but feels like rejoicing at the same time, almost a longing for something . . .

Lastly from Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) 2nd Season again is the ending “ring your bell” by Kalafina

This song feels very different from Kalafina’s usual works, and that’s because it feels . . . happy? No, it’s celebratory? Kalafina is known for their darker, Baroque style choirs (my fave music :3), and this song feels like a wedding to me. As I mentioned earlier, UBW is definitely reaching the end with its opening, but this song takes that to a whole new ending. REBIRTH! Maybe that’s the word I’m thinking! Everything’s going to be fine/renewal type of thing. The visuals show a bit of the servants’ pasts, similar to how they did things in Fate/Zero. But that final grove scene with Shirou on lucious grass against Ufotable’s model sky with Archer’s gears completes the entire scene. All things in this new Holy Grail War come to a tragic yet beautiful end!

And that is what I think of a few of this spring’s songs! What do you think – have any favorites? Comment below. Also be sure to check out other TCTX club members Trystan and Cassandra’s favorite songs!! They picked great ones from Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma as well as Seraph of the End. I may not be the best at explaining my picks, but these IMO are the best songs of spring 2015! Thanks for reading, and until next time this has been

– Takuto, your host