Takuto WILL Be Participating in The 12 Days of Anime! | Blogmas 2017 Introduction

Hey guys, been a while!

Initially, I was just planning on sliding through finals week, then returning to the blogging scene for my OWLS post. Well, that OWLS post doesn’t come out for another week or two, and with my last final being just next Tuesday, I thought I’d hop aboard the holiday hype train with the “12 Days of Anime” since it technically starts next Thursday, the 14th! My version is a little different, though. Or rather, it has very few rules or restrictions (partially because I’m super lazy to impose order upon something that, if actually accomplished, is a feat in itself). It’ll be 12 straight days of blogging, which is very different than the typical NOTHINGNESS that I usually post. But what can you expect during these 12 days?

  1. Favorite anime moments from 2017—these will include the top-tier scenes that I bore witness to in the anime I watched this. They may include moments from simulcasts, or even shows that I just now got around to seeing (like Ergo Proxy, for one). They’ll usually include spoilers, but I’ll warn you in advance. 🙂
  2. Best anime-related happenings that occurred this year—from special events to the announcement of sequels or English releases, these will be celebrations of accomplishments from this year relating to anime. AKA it’s “Which anime news updates were my favorite!”
  3. Full-series reviews of shows I watched from 2017—it’s just as it sounds, and it might include titles from both the backlog or those that are hot off the press.
  4. Stuff about me—not sure how much these may encompass right now (for all I know, I might already have enough material to work with), but these kinds of posts are for, in the event, when I don’t feel like writing a review (which is often, because, you know, I’m lazy). They could include long-withheld blog award nominations or tag posts. You’ll just have to wait and see!

From Thursday, the 14th all the way up through Christmas Day, that Monday, the 25th, I’ll be posting DAILY, and though they may be short posts, it’ll still be my way of interacting with you all before the new year arrives—in that sense, it’s as if Takuto’s Anime Cafe will be open from dawn to dusk, welcoming all who are looking for warm drinks and conversation throughout the holidays!

Each day, I will also be looking back on the OWLS blog tour posts by month, starting CLEAR BACK IN MARCH HOLY CRAP (because I procrastinated on reading those). Lastly, anyone remember when I tweeted out my iPhone home screen, which was littered with bins of posts to read by all of you? Yeah, I’m going through those one day at a time, too, because I WILL NOT LEAVE ANY STONE UNTURNED FROM THIS YEAR. It’s all or nothing, and this will clear the slate for all of the great reads in the new year. Looking forward to all that you guys will be writing, by the way.

Lastly, I DO happen to have a couple posts planned, those mainly being my December OWLS entry and one big-ass comparative analysis on the works of Makoto Shinkai. It’ll likely be my last big blogging project this year, so please look forward to that!

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Takuto, your host at my Anime Cafe, a small underground shack in the vastness of the web that caters hopefully heartwarming reviews and promotes relaxation. I post infrequently—with no schedule to contain me whatsoever–but I hope you still enjoy the things I write and the random stuff I say, be it an in-depth story analysis or about the latest obsession plaguing me.

To celebrate the holidays this year and honor all of my long-time customers (and the new ones, like you, perhaps!), I’ll be opening the doors for 12 consecutive days. Expect a flurry of posts, a messy mish-mash of all of different writing styles that make me, well, me! I can’t wait to follow any of you on your own “12 Days of Anime,” too, so be sure to comment below if you are starting one! Let’s usher in the new year as we anibloggers always do—by reading, writing, and celebrating all of the friends we’ve made, and the long-lasting friendships to come! Until December 14th, this has been

– Takuto, your host