End of August Update 9/2/15

Hello all, ’tis I, Takuto, back with the usual update ~

As many of you know, the 30-Day Song Challenge has been draining my already-minuscule breaks from daily labor. I hope you have been enjoying the music, by the way, as I certainly have picked up playlists of great songs recommended by some of your challenges :> On another exciting note, I just posted day 20, which means only 10 left!! Then all will be back to normal; “Cafe Talks” and anime reviews for all! (Click here to view the previous 20 days of the song challenge if you missed any. You know want to) Just click on a day to revisit the music 😀

With that said, I’ve also had virtually no time to watch anime. I’ve been reading a chapter or two here and there of the Pandora Hearts manga, an ongoing battle I’ve been fighting to finish my first manga series, but I suppose that’s not anime. Planning to hop into Hyouka with a clean slate as soon as the challenge is over, I’ve been prepping myself by drafting my Nagi-Asu review when I can eke out the spare minutes.

But let’s move onto what I have been following, shall we? I’ll give you a hint: There’s nothing new -_-

Recently Finished:

Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea – Oh lawd, no, why did this one have to end?? This anime probably took the cake as my anime of the summer (remember, simulcast break?). Enjoyable characters, lovely story, engaging drama, and the art and animation MAKES ME MELT even though it’s such a cool show >.< Just everything about this one is precious – so precious, in fact, that I once again gave Aniplex my left leg (cause they already had my right) in exchange for the first DVD set with the English dub! Now, my birthday order is still “Pending Fulfillment,” which I shot Rightstuf a question regarding it today, as it has been a week and my order still hasn’t shipped. But I’m working it out, so cross your toes it gets here soon (maybe I’ll do a birthday gift haul if you’re interested)!

Currently Watching:

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma – Let me just start by saying that this has been the greatest simulcast I’ve probably ever watched. In the last few episodes, all of the chefs-in-training had been working diligently to find the perfect spice to use in the upcoming competition, which I think will determine the new members of this 10-seated hierarchy. The anime seems to be building up to this climax, so the next time we meet for this show, it’ll probably be the season review. Nikumi, Takumi, Megumi, kid in Polar Star Dorm with the maroon hair who smokes (grills) everything, and Soma – Give it your all!!

The Heroic Legend of Arslan – Thank heavens that the whole Rajendra side plot is over! I was about to keel over and drop the show entirely. With Lord Silvermask back in the picture, Arslan and crew reach the final buildup to this wartime drama, if I can even call it that. I wanted more characterization with Arslan’s inner party, like Gieve x Farangis, Elam x Alfreed, and Narsus being Narsus, but I don’t think we’re gonna get anymore. Bummer. BUT, the latest episode with Etoile’s reappearance, disguised as a girl, really has improved the story tenfold. I actually felt emotional connection with Arslan. Hopefully the anime continues with more moments like this in store, but for now, all we can do is wait it out. Episode 19’s end card supported ravishing artwork of the graceful Farangis, which I honestly loved so much it’ll probably be this post’s head pic ~

EEP, that’s it? Gosh, umm, okay. Short is good sometimes, right? Like you, this song challenge has been fun, but I CANNOT wait to get back on the review trail. I’ve got several “Cafe Talks” in store, too, so if you enjoyed sitting around the cafe sippin’ that espresso with crema on top or that delicious caffè latte, then you can look forward to that 🙂 My, how these months have flown by. Where I live, we’re sliding into the autumn season, so maybe the weather will get cooler. I need this ridiculous 100-degree F heat to just go away! I guess that’ll do it. Thank you for reading, I’m eager to see what September will bring us. Until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host

30-Day Song Challenge Day 4: Songs That Remind You Of Something Sad

Konbanwa, minna, it’s late, so let’s just jump right into it. (oh, and be glad I didn’t give you the full crying Dekamori :))

Angel Beats! – “Ichiban no Takaramono” Performed by LiSA, lyrics by Maeda Jun

Let’s get this one over with. Angel Beats!, yep, I cried like a lil’ b*tch when this played at the very end, no shame. The song, though it doesn’t have a whole lot of personal memories, it does remind me of the last episode, which, if you’ve been living under a rock, is sad. Very sad. Just envisioning him desperately grasping out, clutching to invisible air where that Angel once stood . . . nope, I can’t . . . *reaches for nearest sleeve and rubs nose*

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! – “Surechigau Kokoro To Kokoro”

It was only like the saddest song from the light-hearted rom-com, right? This song plays very few times, and someone kindly looped it so that we could enjoy it again and again. It reminds me of how fast time flies by from youth to young adult. I guess that’s not a lot of time, and I am no poet, but it honestly reminds me of the days when my siblings and I dressed up in silly epic costumes and ran around the house throwing fireballs and magic crystals at each other, jamming out to “Final Countdown” and the Sailor Moon OST from that episode when she was riding a meteor or something. My older brother is now in college, and my sister is a sophomore in high school. I die a little inside each time I think to myself: “There’s no going back now, we’re only getting older. We’ll probably all have families of our own not too far from now, and our kids will be secretly running around the house throwing magic as I did. But I’ll be slaving away at my work, whatever and wherever that may be.” But all of me wishes to stay young with my family forever – when it is okay to be naïve; unknowing was the greatest joy. I guess I kinda wish for the impossible, right haha? 😥    *takes a deep sigh*

Pandora Hearts – “Everytime You Kissed Me” by Yuki Kajiura, vocals by Emily Bindiger

I honestly don’t know where to begin with this one. Of all of the music I have ever listened to, this one has hit me the hardest without a doubt. I ran into this song on the web, and it made me want to check out the manga, which I was already eying because it has such pretty cover artwork. Once I’m done with the manga, I plan to watch the anime.

I distinctly recall sitting on a long, cold school bus ride. It was night – pitch black out – and my window just happened to be that one that never rolls up all the way, so cold air would seep through and rush into my eyes. But rather than complaining about my seat – rather than rise up to join the welcoming, friendly conversations, I sat against that frigid window, plugged this song into my headphones, and sat quietly as the frosty wind froze the tears in my eyes so they never fell.

Another time, a friend in my art class was wondering what I was listening to. I didn’t know how to share my passion for anime at the time, so I had just said it was “some music.” She pestered me all class, and finally I wrote down the title for her and gave her this crumpled little note with pencil lead scratched all over it. I doubt she ever gave it a listen, and I’ll probably never know, but part of me doesn’t want to for some reason.

It’s a heart-wrenching tune with crude yet beautifully haunting lyrics. It’s one of my most precious gifts I can share with you guys, and maybe you’ll enjoy it, too 🙂

Well, I guess I’ll be up all night now thinking about depressing stuff. Such is life, I suppose. Did you find interest in this deeper side of Takuto? I choked up a bit at writing some of this thinking “Gosh, do I want the internet to know this?” But then I thought, “Naw, it’s not that bad, I’ll throw it out there for anyone that cares.” I gotta get some zzzz’s now, so until tomorrow, this has been

– Takuto, your host