My Top 10 Long-Awaited U.S. Anime Releases from This Year| Blogmas 2017 Day 2

Hey everyone, welcome to day 2 of Blogmas, or as everyone else calls it, the “12 Days of Anime!” This year was pretty BIG for us anime collectors in the states; several titles that had gone unlicensed for the looooongest time were FINALLY license-rescued and saw physical releases this year. Most were given that Blu-ray touch for the first time ever, and some even lucked out by getting an English dub, despite the YEARS of neglect. That’s pretty awesome of them.

Particularly, from 2016 September to the earlier parts of 2017, Funimation led the rescue front, releasing long-awaited titles like Haruhi Suzumiya, Code Geass, The Vision of Escaflowne (via Kickstarter), and more. For this post, I’ll be highlighting my favorite titles that I picked up from this year alone. So yeah, these are my top 10 releases from least to most anticipated. Here we go!



Honorable Mention:   The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

This film needs no introduction, as it means A LOT to many, many, MANY fans out there. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, I have not seen Haruhi Suzumiya. BUT, I did manage to snag one of the last copies of the collector’s edition before they went out of stock, as well as a copy of this film when it came out. In other words, I’m saving it for one epic rainy day, but should I had seen it by now, I’m sure it would’ve been close to the top. GOD BLESS FUNI for saving this film and bringing it to Blu-ray with the rest of the franchise!


This set’s simple red-lettered theme is to DIE for

#10  The Vision of Escaflowne

Escaflowne may have been my first Kickstarter I campaign to participate in, but it most certainly won’t be my last. Recorded over with a brand new English dub (I did try out the old one, wasn’t too big a fan), Escaflowne was a blind buy, and I have to say it was a pretty neat show. Surprisingly, I haven’t reviewed it yet, but maybe after I get around to the film I’ll just review the entirety of the franchise. While this limited edition Kickstarter exclusive box is fairly nice looking, it’s nothing compared to the gorgeous hand-drawn art style of the collector’s edition. At least the reverse covers make it look like a complete set.


I showed the back side of the box because the front is the same as the little art pamphlet. It’s also cooler.

#9  Miss Hokusai

By far the oddest entry on this list that you will read, this film has some very odd history. To be fair, I hadn’t heard of this film before either—it wasn’t until I came across a English trailer on YouTube featuring Erica Lindbeck that I immediately put everything that I was doing now to rush and preorder it on Amazon. There was just an underlying charm or witty humor in its delightful trailer, and Erica’s brief yet strong and somehow resilient portrayal as the lead (presumably the titular Miss Hokusai at the time) was enough to convince me it was worth it. The film ended up being fairly good, nothing like a Ghibli film (though it’s not really fair to compare like that). I think a second rewatch would have allowed me to place it higher up on this list.



#8  Code Geass: Akito the Exiled

Ever since I heard that more Code Geass existed—and it served to fill in events that took place during the series—I knew that Akito was a must. And though it doesn’t quite live up to the original’s masterful characterization and story (not even close, but it’s a tough show to beat), I did enjoy this little set of OVAs—the dub was pretty solid too, complete with accents! And ooh look, pretty art cards!

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Shin Godzilla was definitely a highly-anticipated release, but I’m just reusing pics here to save me time 🙂 

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#7  Sailor Moon Crystal Season II

Now, y’all already know that I love me some Sailor Moon, especially Crystal for its more accurate take on the manga’s rich story of betrayal and tragedy. Despite what anyone says about the CG animation or the ridiculously long legs, I still love Crystal, almost as much as the original; for me, both are necessary to bring out the depth of Usagi’s tale. That said, Crystal II was definitely a step down from the first. The plot was fine, accomplishing what took R +30 episodes in like 12, but the same main problem prevents Crystal from matching its predecessor—the characterization (particularly of the villains this time around) is incredibly weak. Aside from Usagi, Mamoru, and Chibiusa, there is very little time left for everyone else. I still love this saga, however, and I CANNOT wait to pick up Crystal III! The English dub is excellent for this one, BTW.


The holographic finish on these Crystal covers is gorgeous—I only wish there was a consistent theme between all of them.

#6  Sailor Moon R The Movie

Anyone remember when this film was subtitled “Promise of the Rose” by Dic? Yeah, well I still call it that >.< and I have no regrets. Though a technically A-OK film, much of the nostalgia was lost with the removal of the English insert song “The Power of Love,” which I still jam to daily! The original Japanese song is, to be fair, still kickass. I didn’t get to witness R The Movie on the big screen like everyone else, but now I’ll be able to watch it whenever I like!


I think this cover art was exclusively created for Viz’s release, so HUGE props to them on that cause it’s absolutely gorgeous.

#5  Sailor Moon S 

YASSSS SAILOR MOON S AND THE OUTER SCOUTS!!!! Of all the releases to come before it, this was the one I was most excited for—and boy did it live up to its reputation! You see, as a child, I watched this series on like 4 or 5 VHS tapes. Those tapes chronicled all of the Sailor Moon knowledge that I had, until I picked up Viz’s first release of it and watched the whole thing in sequential order. My childhood self was absolutely SHOOKETH to find out just how dark the real, uncensored story was. I’m still partially in disbelief at S‘s ending. But alas, the show goes on, and I cannot wait for SuperS in the spring!


Viz’s other Sailor Moon DVD sets continue to look pretty bland, but at least they look nice together as a set.

#4  Your Name

Does this film even need an introduction? I mean, seriously, it was advertised like hell in 2016, and has been praised ever since. And you know what? It’s deserving of every good thing said about it. Now that I own the Blu-ray myself, I’ll elaborate more on this one in a review and theater experience coming up soon, heh heh heh. But for now, know that this one was a short, painful wait, yet one made all the more worth it because of the immediate NEED to experience it all over again.


THE HOLOGRAPHIC FINISH ON THE SLIP COVER IS EVERYTHING. I tweeted my reaction to this surprise and Funimation retweeted it, causing it to blow up to 200 likes in one day. I’m famous now.

#3  Steins;Gate The Movie – Load Region of Deja Vu

In terms of looooong-awaited releases, this entry is hard to beat. I’m a huge Steins;Gate boy. In fact, it’s in my top 5 favorite anime of all time. When the film first came out in Japan, of course I -illegally- streamed it somewhere on the internet, and I have no regrets for doing so, as little did I know that it would not see a U.S. release for FOUR YEARS. Well, after a little bit of time travelin’ myself, four years are up, and now I can relive—what I like to believe is—one of the most perfect films to follow up an anime series. Long story short, I’m very happy to have this, and to FINALLY listen to J. Michael Tatum, Trina Nishimura, and the rest of the spectacular English dub in all their glory!


I’m at a loss for words. The art parallels between this set and the series is just so damn clever.

#2  Hyouka 

We’re down to the last two—IT WAS SO HARD TO PICK. But of course it made a spot in the top five! Hyouka‘s lead, Oreki Houtarou, has been the face of this cafe for years now. That said, you can probably expect this to be one of the most celebrated releases for me in recent times. Hyouka was one of those Funimation license rescues that took FIVE years to get here. This is why, upon its announcement, that many thought the show would receive the sad DVD/sub-only treatment. Boy were we surprised. Not only would it get the Blu-ray combo pack special, but IT GOT A FREAKIN’ DUB. To make things even better, THE DUB IS FANTASTIC!!! (Sadly, there was no LTD ED box, but I made my own thanks to Simply Gee’s help, so we’re good I guess.) No words can honestly express my excitement, but there is still one title that deserves the real gold here . . .


I was absolutely stunned with how much official artwork Funimation was able to obtain for these releases. Where they don’t have a cozy official box to slide into, the art more than makes up for it. Also, what do you think of my own DIY box? 😛

#1  Gosick

I watched this show in the spring of 2014. That’s three years ago, but it’s not as long as some fans have been waiting for. Gosick is SIX, almost SEVEN years old. SEVEN, and it had gone unlicensed for all this time. Some of you may argue that Hyouka is far better than Gosick, both as mystery shows and physical releases. And you know what, I kinda agree. But riddle me this: How much do you value the first anime you ever watched? Gosick is not that title, but it was one of the firsts that wowed me as a youngster—everything from the silly, lovable characters, the old-fashioned European atmosphere, and that EPIC ending theme that triumphantly rang at the end of each episode just enthralled me, it really did.


And just like with Hyouka, holy crap—Funi was able to get like every single cover from the Japanese releases, and used them in a practical way that features all at once. I JUST LOVE THIS SO MUCH. (Also, another homemade box.) 

So here we are, so many years later, and so many anime have gone by since. On over 20 occasions, I was THIS close to just buying a bootleg of this series (heck, not sure how, but it supposedly even came with a soundtrack!). But I had faith, a near-unwavering faith that one day, however long it would take, someone would save this show. Once it left Crunchyroll a few years back, I had officially lost all ties with it—but I still carried my faith with me. And then Funimation finally lifted my prayers: “GOSICK Blu-ray/DVD English Dub & Sub COMING SOON.” That’s all it took to make this year awesome for me as a collector and a fan. Even though the dub is merely serviceable, I still have the sub; Even though it didn’t come with a fancy box to house the two parts, I made my own; EVEN THOUGH it took SIX YEARS to be rescued, it’s always better late than never.

God, I love Funimation. And for all these reasons and more, this why I love the exciting, unpredictable industry that is anime. 

(still praying for ya, Tales of Symphonia and Black Rock Shooter—you got this!)


Let me know if you had any favorite anime releases from this year! Heck, I didn’t even get around to the magic happenin’ at Sentai lately (to be fair, I haven’t picked up their latest LTD EDs yet, though—still lookin’ at you, Haikyuu)! This wraps up Blogmas Day Two of the 12 Days of Anime! Thanks for reading, and I’ll catch you all tomorrow!

– Takuto, your host

End of October Update 11/4/15

Konbanwa minna-san, when was the last time we connected?

Yes, it feels like an eternity passes between each of my posts, but hopefully that hasn’t lost any of your attention. If you didn’t already know, I play the cello. Due to the inconveniences that the Christmas season brings, the private lesson teacher I meet with bumped the entire traditional winter recital a whole month. On this Saturday, I am supposed to have a solo ready to perform for the small get-together, but that has been rough in coming along. Awfully rough, I’m afraid. So when I’m not studying for tests or filling out the copious stack of homework, I’m practicing long and hard, metronome and tuner in hand.

As it is, Nagi-Asu and Hyouka have been the only ‘new’ anime that I’ve tackled. That’s pretty sad, considering it’s been a WHOLE month. Granted, I did spend my Halloween weekend hitting up Another with my siblings (I had already seen it, so more “Movie Theater” stuff). They LOVED it, though because I was unaware of their fright-tolerance, I kind of heavily foreshadowed the umbrella and teacher/knife deaths (even though it was fairly easy to predict). I didn’t want them to have nightmares, what can you say? I’m a nice guy. Though looking back, I wish I hadn’t put so much focus on “Ok, here’s that scene I’ve always been talking about.”

The second set of ALDNOAH.ZERO came out at the tail end of last month, so I pre-ordered and received that. Now all I need is some time to actually sit down and enjoy it, gosh darn it! Speaking of, I still haven’t even cracked open Baccano! nor A Lull in the Sea. In my defense, however, I might be upgrading to Blu-Ray for Nagi-Asu, budget permitting, so until then, that’s on hold.

For “Cafes Talks,” I had an interesting run-in at a Renaissance Festival, so if you are curious as to what happened to me, click here! Even though Halloween is over, here are ten places that you still should NEVER go into for the fear of dying a terrible death! That was fun to write. I am working on another “Cafe Talk” post, so stay tuned for more shenanigans.

But you’re here for the anime update, so here we go!

Recently Finished:

Another (previously-seen) – What can I say, guys? It’s freakin’ Another, one of the best horror anime to hit my list. Does it live up to a rewatch? Absolutely. My stomach was shaking right before all of those gruesome deaths, but after seeing them over and over again, they do tend to lose shock value. It was a spooky way to spend the break, no doubt, so if you haven’t checked out Another yet, I encourage you to do so if you’re hankering for good mystery and thirsting for blood!

The Heroic Legend of Arslan – This. Show. Just. No. I’ll admit, Arslan came to clean itself up a bit at the end. But the announcement of a FREAKIN’ SECOND SEASON just astonished me. HOW?? This twenty-some episode mess gets a sequel but The Devil is a Part-Timer doesn’t? I really question Japan and more specifically Arslan‘s sales. Rant coming soon, so if you enjoy those, you’re in for a good roasting -_-

Hyouka – This one I finished way back in the beginning of October and I even wrote a review about it! Click here to see if we shared similar thoughts or are interested in a school/mystery anime with many other great things going for it.

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma – I actually finished this before my last update, and a review just went up yesterday (oops). It was quite hard to wrap my head around all of the crazy fun that Food Wars! delivered, but I managed to settle on a rather lengthy review. I’d be overjoyed if you checked it out (if you haven’t yet) right here so that we can talk about this amazing anime!

Currently Watching:

Sound of the Sky – Weren’t expecting this entry, were you? I briefly mentioned back in the summer that this would be my breather anime for when I got busy, and boy did I choose just the right show! I’m so absorbed by the setting and the musings of the characters, but . . . Where is the show taking me? I’m about 8 episodes in, a good two-thirds, so I’ll be finishing this one very soon hopefully. I haven’t had a breather anime like this in months, so I feel very refreshed watching this mini wartime slice-of-life series. You can also expect a review, as I have many things I would like to say about Sora no Woto

ALDNOAH.ZERO (eps 7-12) – I’ll be starting this up as soon as Sound of the Sky reaches its end :'(, and I’m quite excited to see how the dub handles the end to this mecha tragedy!

Currently Reading:

That’s right, Takuto actually reads books when he’s not sifting through everyone’s wonderful posts (holy crap, some of you post way to often JKLOL)! I just finished Sword Art Online Light Novel Volume Two: Aincrad. Let me just say that this novel was TEN TIMES better than the first one. I loved each of the four stories about the different heroines of SAO, and it was a special treat to hear from Lizbeth’s side, specifically. Of the four stories, Lizbeth’s story was the best – and that last page for it, oh lawd, the feels! “Red-Nosed Reindeer” was still pretty depressing, but I think the anime actually handled that better. Same with the story of Yui. Silica’s story, the first one, was my second favorite. I never noticed how reminiscent to country life Silica’s character was based on. It’s all about details, I guess.

But as for what I’m currently reading, I’m 20 pages into Volume Three: Fairy Dance. And the mockery of the “Fairy Dance” begins! Let loose the sparkling fairies and soar into the sky with feelings of lust for a fairer world. Like I mentioned last update, “books are better than the movies that spawn from them” is the stereotypical debate that rears its ugly head, and I want to test that theory with “Fairy Dance,” considering all of its unanimous hatred by fans (even though I enjoyed it). We’ll have to see what ALO brings! Volumes 3 & 4 came in the mail with ALDNOAH.ZERO DVD Set Two, so hooray for Rightstuf sales!

If any of you follow NichiFix over on YouTube, then you would know that he unboxes anime and does manga hauls. While I don’t attentively search for that kind of stuff, I find what he has to say entertaining. He’s also nice (and a RailDex fan ^.^). Anyway, I won his nonchalant giveaway that he hinted at in a monthly manga pickups video about a month ago. I KNOW, I ACTUALLY WON SOMETHING!!! It was Volumes One and Two of Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, Volume 17 of Negima!, and, due to his lateness (even though I forgot about it too :P), he threw in Haganai Volume 1. How kind! This was probably even more exciting to open than my mini Rightstuf haul!

And that about covers everything. Sorry for the long update, if you skipped over some parts, I don’t blame you. I just wanted to let everyone know why there’s been a huge lack of content. Once this dreadful recital is over, however, things should return to normal. I’ll be hitting up the simulcast for Seraph’s second season, Nagoya-something. That should be interesting. But it wouldn’t be an update if I didn’t complain about the passing time – Oh, where do the days go?! I’m still alternating with shorts (as in pants) over here even though fall has descended upon us. Maybe, just maybe, if it rains even an inch, I’ll marathon Baccano! like I’ve been wanting to for so long now. But how was your Halloween? Did ya do anything crazy, scare any kids or get spooked yourself? I ate candy, and Matt-in-the-Hat and MarvelouslyMismatched know that, haha! Feel free to talk to me at any time through the comments, as I always – always – look forward to what you have to say, even if it’s just a “hello.” Until next time everyone, this has been

– Takuto, your host

Hyouka: Fifty Lazy, Dull, Grey Shades of Curiosity (FEAT. Sherlock Houtarou)

A spoiler-free review of the spring 2012 anime “Hyouka,” produced by Kyoto Animation, based on the “Koten-bu Series” novels by Honobu Yonezawa.

Do you read the newspaper anymore? You know, that compilation of local and global updates printed on cheap, ink-rich, pulpy paper that would arrive every Sunday morning (delivery date varying on location)? Yeah, me neither. Between bright news channels on TV and the instant convenience of the Internet, I have no right reason to order such a monochrome, drab publication (unless you do it for the ink odor, to which I reckon you meet with a psychiatrist ASAP).

But despite my preferences, there are still those who cling to this plain method, which is completely fine, by all means. My only question: Who would want to pay for boring when digital brilliance is free with the click of a button?

This bum. Nice Hair.

This bum. Nice Hair.

Enter Oreki Houtarou, our mundane, dispassionate, high-school culprit who would indeed prefer this simple format. Why? A newspaper is neither flashy nor motivational. Additionally, it comes to you rather than you going to it, which though might not sound like a good enough excuse for us, works fantastically in Houtarou’s favor.

To save his elder sister’s club from disbandment/comply with orders, Houtarou reluctantly joins the Classic Literature Club. There, he reunites with his lively buddy, Fukube Satoshi, and adversary/manga addict, Ibara Mayaka, a couple too energetic for him to be around. That’s not all lurking in the clubroom, however. Violet-eyed Chitanda Eru, a proper, lovely girl, transforms into the quintessential curiosity bomb when something interesting and mysterious catches her eye, or rather, tongue (“Curiosity killed the cat,” or “Cat got your tongue,” anyone?). Anyway, the story follows the Classics Club and their investigations surrounding their beloved Kamiyama High, for the more they unravel mysteries, the more they get tangled up with each other’s personal lives.

And that’s all these kids do. Solve mysteries for the mere sake of solving mysteries – all while satisfying Chitanda’s raging curiosity, of course! The development of the setting and characters comes from each of these case arcs that divide the series. That’s where problems can arise, you see. With the way the anime is set, beginning strongly and upholding that entertainment through the middle, the end pulls the characters out of the thrilling school festival setting to further polish the two relationships. What that creates is a most lackluster ending – as if we ended on just another episode – which is a real shame considering that the suspense from the two previous potent mystery arcs was driving up to this ‘finale.’

Ah, friendship ~

Despite my need to rearrange the story arcs, Hyouka’s characters are at least one-of-a-kind. As you know, Houtarou is and was my site’s mascot prior to my watching this anime, and you might be glad to hear that he’s sticking around! “If I don’t have to do it, I won’t. If I have to do it, I’ll make it quick.” Bent on avoiding a “rose-colored high school life,” that is his faithful motto. But he gradually breaks away from this eternal LAZINESS the more he quells Chitanda’s curiosity. The consequent result of his efforts – He develops a driving curiosity for himself!

“I’m not stupid. I’m just too lazy to show how smart I am.”

This is how I look when people ask to see my notes.


Houtarou is also incredibly relatable (my bedhead twin). I found his nonchalant way of dealing with the day-to-day schemes of his rather gray life not only amusing but realistic. Besides his dull “oohs” and “ahs,” provided by the charming actor Yuuichi Nakamura, he also has very little to say. Most of Houtarou’s ‘dialogue’ is composed of complex thoughts in that brown bushy head of his (indicated by the tugging of his bangs), while what he actually spouts is concise and to the point.

If Chitanda’s energy combats Houtarou’s laziness, then Satoshi’s spunk grinds with Mayaka’s bluntness. Claiming to be a “database” that can store info but not make conclusions, Fuku-chan supports Oreki regardless of his high expectations for him. All the while, Mayaka tries desperately to win Fuku-chan’s heart and Chi-chan fires questions in Oreki’s direction. Ladies and gents, here you have the musings of the Classics Club!

Calling the animation simply “beautiful” would be the easy way out. The cinematography here makes other KyoAni works look elementary. The dull world around Houtarou is coated in pale browns and yellows to reflect his boring view. In contrast, when he becomes shocked or surprised, lighting plays a key effect, as everything sparkles and brightens the eyes! When it comes to the mystery aspects of the show, each time a new case is introduced, the run-down of the information carries its own unique and quirky animated sequence. It’s as if Shaft and KyoAni birthed a gorgeous, brilliant, and eccentric child!

Kids actually utilizing their public libraries – and it’s cool!

I want to bring up the OST not because it’s necessarily the greatest thing ever, but because it fits the mystery atmosphere so perfectly! For the majority of the tracks, irritated strings, peculiar xylophones, and romantic choirs/pianos/harps pave the way for intense thinking and detective work. Sleuthy, eerie, dramatic, or flat out rambunctious, the music remains an engaging feature of Hyouka. The exciting inclusion of classical music, be it the reoccurring Beethoven, Bach, or Faure adds a, and imagine this, “classy” feel to the whole shebang. I simply can’t get enough of “Sicilienne” and Bach’s “Cello Suite!” *Cue reading letter from Oreki’s sis*

Before we leave the OST department, I’d like to highlight “Yasashisa no Riyuu” by ChouCho, the first opening. This song just oozes with good feels and astonishing visuals, so it was naturally a shame to lose it after the first half! Similarly, the first ending “Mikansei Stride” by Saori Kodama was also a pleasant touch.


Hyouka’s best feature was its ability to juggle the genres of mystery, drama, romance, and slice-of-life, and do it phenomenally! To parody, it was like “Fifty lazy, dull, Grey Shades” of freakin’ curiosity. Seriously, if I was having the crappiest day ever and was wanting to be cheered up, or if I wanted something fairly heavy to dip my emotions into, then this is one of the bests. Even if the mysteries are lacking towards the end, there are plenty of other great qualities the story has to offer. So why don’t you throw down that dusty newspaper of yours and hop online with Hyouka!? It’s not like you were reading it, anyway.

“People who are confident in themselves never talk about expectations. “Expectation” is a word rooted in giving up. It leaves you with no other choice. It makes it obvious that you’re powerless.” – philosophy of Fukube Satoshi

+ One-of-a-kind characters (especially Oreki, Fukube, and Irisu) with different viewpoints and philosophies on expectation. Great vocal performances for characters

+ Mystery arc “Why Didn’t She Ask EBA”

+ Sensational cinematography of Oreki’s drab world and its contrast, captivating art and animation

– “Just another episode” ending; no satisfying conclusion

I can’t believe I finally got to watch Hyouka! Uf, and what a splendor it was. For the café, Hyouka is a solid 8/10 with a superior caffe mocha rating! It’s a real bummer that, at this point, there is no English localization of the anime (WHY HASN’T ANYONE PICKED THIS UP). While I encourage you to watch it if you have a hankering-for-a-tinkering with some mystery drama, the only way to find it is through fansubs, meaning not-so-legal streaming. Only watch it if that kinda thing doesn’t bother you. To those who have, what did you think of Hyouka? “Watashi KININARIMASU!” *Oreki: . . . shit.* Thanks for reading, keep an eye out for thieves hangin’ around your club room, huehuehue, and until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host

End of September Update 10/3/15

Konbanwa, minna, it has been a while, has it not?

If you’ve recently taken your head out of your own blogging and anime whatnot, then you might have noticed my lack of content. No, I haven’t been caught by the mafia (yet), nor am I being held ransom by some third-world pirate. I’ve just been occupied with all of the great anime I received last month. Also, it’s pretty hard to run a review-based blog when you have nothing to review! I suppose I could have written another “Cafe Talk,” but my ideas are currently in the wash – soon to be in the dryer – so you can probably expect one sometime soon, fingers crossed.

Fall has abruptly shoved its way into life here and I have no qualms about that! 60-degree weather, cloudy days starting with rain, setting my car to heat rather than fan – It’s all good stuff. This kind of weather is the best to snuggle up with some anime, and I’m going to maximize this potential before the snow falls (where I live, it’s pretty much summer-winter, no intermediates).

But you’re probably reading this for my usual update, so let’s get to it already!

Recently Finished:

selector infected WIXOSS (English dub) – While I wasn’t blown away by the voices of particular characters, I was still overall satisfied with the results. Ruko, Akira, Hanayo, Iona, and Kazuki had really nice fits, albeit Akira sounding a bit mature for her age. Yuzuki’s actor really threw me off. I was expecting Luci Christian or someone with a less “stuffy” voice, but at least the acting was fair. FUNimation really needs to get on that second season; such a cliffhanger, a true joy to revisit this hidden gem after what feels like forever!

Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) Season One (English dub) – Now this one was just freakin’ epic! I admit, it took me a couple episodes to get used to hearing Rin’s voice, but once I adjusted, man, such a phenomenal dub! Just hearing Kari Wahlgren as Saber once again rouses my spirits. 🙂 I just might do a dub reaction/review like I did with ALDNOAH.ZERO just because I think it was so well done.

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma –  IT’S FINALLY OVER, and I’ll be missing this one for sure. Even though the last couple of episodes were somewhat tedious and lacking, it’s unbearable to think that I won’t be tuning in each weekend to chill with Soma and the crew as they pass their trials and work hard to become master chefs. I’ll find a way to fill this void (besides by eating and trying to cook professionally). Y’all can expect a review coming within the next week or two!

Currently Watching:

The Heroic Legend of Arslan –  Yeah, I’m definitely burned out with this one; stick a fork in me, I’m done. Sh*t animation, a story moving away from the main character’s development, and the exiling of one of my favorite party members. Geez, what else could go wrong? I have two episodes left, so unless Arslan pulls his pants up, there won’t be much of a hearty review from this cafe.

Hyouka – A little over halfway through and LOVING IT!! It’s everything I thought it’d be and MORE! Wah, I’m captivated by the various mysteries surrounding the school and Oreki’s nonchalant way of dealing with the day-to-day schemes of his gray life. “I’m curious!” Give me all you’ve got, Hyouka! A review will be arriving to the menu within next few weeks 😀

I’ll be starting up A Lull in the Sea English dubbed as soon as these others are over. I’ve also picked up Baccano! because I had a $5.00 off coupon from my local bookstore (hooray for parental memberships). But I’m saving that one for a rainy night hehe, cause I foresee another grand marathon coming up! I’ve managed to persuade my siblings into “diving into the heart of terror” with Another for a Halloween celebration binge-watch. It’ll be one night of pants-wetting and eye-covering that they’ll never forget hehehe 😉 Good luck, guys.

Last but not least, I’ve read the first two of four stories from Sword Art Online Aincrad Volume Two, which encompasses Kirito’s meetups with Silica and Lizbeth (best girl kinda sorta) from the anime. Silica’s story was particularly better than the adaptation’s, or maybe it’s just been a while since I last saw the show. Probably both. Anyway, I plan to zoom through the novel so that I can read the infamous Fairy Dance arc. Why? Because there’s a stereotype that goes “books are much better than the movies that spawn from them.” I won’t lie to you guys, I actually liked this arc, and I’m one of the few to say this. I loved the first, don’t get me wrong, but the second half – to me – wasn’t all that bad. I want to see if the books provide a much better case and back up the laughable arc.

And I think that’s it. I got an old younger friend (ironic IKR) of mine into Attack on Titan just last night, so that’s always fun. Where do the days go?? September flew by and here’s October! School kids are bundling up and neighbors are putting up their ghostly decorations (and assorted pumpkins). Meanwhile, here I am still trying to reach out to the last few days of “shorts season.” Am I depressing or what (rhetorical don’t answer). Well, I suppose I’ll keep tagging in on you guys, dropping my thoughts here and there for those who care! How was your September? You ought to let me know so we can catch up in the comments below ^.^ Until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host

30-Day Song Challenge Day 28: A Song That Reminds You Of Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (if you don’t have one, make one up)

Currently, I’m actually single (what a rave, I know). But that’s not stopping me from participating in challenge day 28! I’ve mustered up three songs, two being from the same band. Fitting for the theme of “love,” each of these has its own heart to it – one that can’t always be felt by everyone. If you resonate the in the same with any of them, let me know! Takuto’s looking for a sign 😉 JKLOL

From “Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea, “Aqua Terrarium” by Nagi Yanagi 

Yes, this is a pitched version >.< but it’s still the same lovely ending theme. When I hear this song, I always think of the young village love between the characters of Nagi-Asu, well, that and the cold ocean depths. Manaka and Chisaki are both such adorable ladies ~

“Aishiteru” by Sally Miura feat. CLIFF EDGE

*squeals at the top of lungs* THIS IS A JAPANESE POP LOVE SONG!!! Aghh, it’s like the ideal relationship-goals music. Sally’s voice is utterly enchanting, and the dude rapping from CLIFF EDGE is so smooth! I’d be all holding hands, walking – slowly – through the glowing snow under the moon light with them . . . But I’m alone, so I’ll just run a pseudo cafe that actually doesn’t serve anything LOL

“Endless Tears” by CLIFF EDGE feat. Maiko Nakamura

“Love is a beautiful pain”

This music video is pure genius, but even more so is the song. ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITES EVER! This was one of the first non-anime songs I dared to cross paths with, and omg I just love it so much :3 It’s perfect for any time, but take caution: It’s powerful melody could make or absolutely destroy your mood, trust me. After seeing the NightCore version of it on YouTube with a picture of Oreki and the other girl, I immediately had to search up what show it was. Hyouka, hmm, I’ll have to give it a whirl sometime. Months later, I finally will get to, and I’ll be starting this weekend (SO EXCITED).

Anyway, the song itself reminds me of relationships, and how fragile they actually are. While my love life is a little empty-handed, I have been in my fair share of romantic moments. What did I learn? Talk to her/him. Once you enter a relationship, it’s up to you two to handle any drama. Don’t let it get out of hand, and don’t be ashamed for being with another if they are whom you honestly want to be with. Speaking of, be honest with them (of course), but be even more honest with yourself. If you’re not as “happy” as you thought you would be, talk it out or something, because odds are they might be thinkin’ the same thing (my lack of word choice and frankly decent advice probably indicates an end). Don’t let a sh*tty relationship hamper your life – It’s far too short as it is! You’re much better than this. There is a plethora of fish in the sea. If you’re both in love, then great! But otherwise, make up/break up, and move on with no regrets (or with as few as you can manage ;)).

That’s all I’ve got for today. I am no love doctor, so make of my spiel as you will. Only two days left, and oh, stay tuned for a special announcement today!

– Takuto, your host

End of August Update 9/2/15

Hello all, ’tis I, Takuto, back with the usual update ~

As many of you know, the 30-Day Song Challenge has been draining my already-minuscule breaks from daily labor. I hope you have been enjoying the music, by the way, as I certainly have picked up playlists of great songs recommended by some of your challenges :> On another exciting note, I just posted day 20, which means only 10 left!! Then all will be back to normal; “Cafe Talks” and anime reviews for all! (Click here to view the previous 20 days of the song challenge if you missed any. You know want to) Just click on a day to revisit the music 😀

With that said, I’ve also had virtually no time to watch anime. I’ve been reading a chapter or two here and there of the Pandora Hearts manga, an ongoing battle I’ve been fighting to finish my first manga series, but I suppose that’s not anime. Planning to hop into Hyouka with a clean slate as soon as the challenge is over, I’ve been prepping myself by drafting my Nagi-Asu review when I can eke out the spare minutes.

But let’s move onto what I have been following, shall we? I’ll give you a hint: There’s nothing new -_-

Recently Finished:

Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea – Oh lawd, no, why did this one have to end?? This anime probably took the cake as my anime of the summer (remember, simulcast break?). Enjoyable characters, lovely story, engaging drama, and the art and animation MAKES ME MELT even though it’s such a cool show >.< Just everything about this one is precious – so precious, in fact, that I once again gave Aniplex my left leg (cause they already had my right) in exchange for the first DVD set with the English dub! Now, my birthday order is still “Pending Fulfillment,” which I shot Rightstuf a question regarding it today, as it has been a week and my order still hasn’t shipped. But I’m working it out, so cross your toes it gets here soon (maybe I’ll do a birthday gift haul if you’re interested)!

Currently Watching:

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma – Let me just start by saying that this has been the greatest simulcast I’ve probably ever watched. In the last few episodes, all of the chefs-in-training had been working diligently to find the perfect spice to use in the upcoming competition, which I think will determine the new members of this 10-seated hierarchy. The anime seems to be building up to this climax, so the next time we meet for this show, it’ll probably be the season review. Nikumi, Takumi, Megumi, kid in Polar Star Dorm with the maroon hair who smokes (grills) everything, and Soma – Give it your all!!

The Heroic Legend of Arslan – Thank heavens that the whole Rajendra side plot is over! I was about to keel over and drop the show entirely. With Lord Silvermask back in the picture, Arslan and crew reach the final buildup to this wartime drama, if I can even call it that. I wanted more characterization with Arslan’s inner party, like Gieve x Farangis, Elam x Alfreed, and Narsus being Narsus, but I don’t think we’re gonna get anymore. Bummer. BUT, the latest episode with Etoile’s reappearance, disguised as a girl, really has improved the story tenfold. I actually felt emotional connection with Arslan. Hopefully the anime continues with more moments like this in store, but for now, all we can do is wait it out. Episode 19’s end card supported ravishing artwork of the graceful Farangis, which I honestly loved so much it’ll probably be this post’s head pic ~

EEP, that’s it? Gosh, umm, okay. Short is good sometimes, right? Like you, this song challenge has been fun, but I CANNOT wait to get back on the review trail. I’ve got several “Cafe Talks” in store, too, so if you enjoyed sitting around the cafe sippin’ that espresso with crema on top or that delicious caffè latte, then you can look forward to that 🙂 My, how these months have flown by. Where I live, we’re sliding into the autumn season, so maybe the weather will get cooler. I need this ridiculous 100-degree F heat to just go away! I guess that’ll do it. Thank you for reading, I’m eager to see what September will bring us. Until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host