Time to Unravel

Mina-san, konnichiwa! Takuto here with a spontaneous update because, you know, why wait?

So if you’ve been around the cafe recently, you’d notice that I’ve been doing a bit of exploring. Starting with the school idols, Love Live! School Idol Project, and I had a grand time with them. Though a great start for my summer, it wasn’t what I was looking for. I wanted something a little more, hmm, profound.

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If this doesn’t prove my point, IDK what will.

Then I hit up the Monogatari series with Bakemonogatari. Again not quite what I was searching for, but it was definitely a lot closer. It was still a great watch, still contemplating moving on to Nisemonogatari or not . . .

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Good question, I don’t see it, do you? (ARARAGI BUSTED!)

Finally, I got the full-on human analysis with From the New World, and boy was that a ride. I freakin’ loved that show (if you read my entire dang long review, pat on the back for you)! 😀 A bit slow at first, but it only spiraled from the middle and on. After watching, my slate was pretty much scraped clean. Blank.

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Oh god! This one was just too good, haha!

So with all of this time, what anime do I tackle next, if any? I mean, I still got seven simulcasts to keep up with. That’s enough, right?

Apparently not.

I play the cello. If you didn’t know, well, now you do! My private lesson teacher has like three other students, and each season there’s a humble ‘lil house recital where we “strut our stuff.” It’s become an amazing tradition.

But there is another student besides me that watches anime, and when we proposed a summer song that we would play at the recital (like we always do, summer is for recommendation group pieces), she brought up “Unravel,” the opening of the recently famous horror thriller Tokyo Ghoul. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t plan on watching the series. Sure, it looks good, but meh, there are other shows that I’d like to pick up on.

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Me too, Kaneki. Me too.

So I passed when the show started airing. Skip forward and we’re back to music. My teacher wants to commission me to transcribe a cello quartet version of the crazy rock song. WHAT!? She said she gave it a listen and thought it was possible, then tossed the burden upon my already crushed anime-binge-watching tired shoulders. In the picture above, the music that my sweet coffee is under, yep, that’s the beast.



Now, I love anime openings like no other, and in order to grasp the song completely, I needed context. *sighs* I suppose I’ll just watch the show now. *droopingly uploads the first episode*

I marathoned the whole damn thing from the 18th to the 19th.

My mind is absolutely blown by this point, and you can expect a review soon! So many questions left unanswered, though, so you can all guess what I’ll be hitting up next:

root a

Don’t know if I’m happy for more or scared it’ll ruin everything

That’s right, Tokyo Ghoul √A! Now I’ve heard it’s complete and utter CRAP, but let’s have Takuto decide that for himself, right?

As far as transcribing “Unravel” goes, it’s definitely going to be a challenge, but at least I know the song’s background much more than before. I’m kinda excited to get started, actually!

So I guess that’s it for my random update. With simulcasts ending and me rushing through the sequel to Tokyo Ghoul, I wonder what show comes next in my anime adventures. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading! Until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host