My BTS Clothing Collection + Try-On

Hello all,

I’m here with something a bit different today. As you may know, I love online shopping of any kind. Naturally, this includes clothing, something which I barely talk about.

I like to think I’ve upped my fashion game for 2020, and with BTS barreling through every single major news headline out there as of late, I figured now’s the best time to show off my collection of BTS-inspired graphic tees, long-sleeved shirts, and hoodies!

Most of these items came (recently) from TeePublic, a popular fashion and apparel website that works with independent artists to print their lovely works on clothing, prints, stickers, mugs—you name it.

I spent the afternoon setting up the tripod and some lighting and did a little fashion shoot for today’s post. So yes, that is ME in the photos you see. I thought this would be a little more interesting than just me taking pics of clothing. Enjoy the haul/try-on!

We’ll begin with the hoodie since it’s the only one from Amazon. I’m not the biggest person in the world, but I had to size up to 3XL to get the loose fit that I wanted. The seller was super nice and flexible, though, so that made the process easier despite the hiccups. Anyway, it’s SUPER soft, and the print has stood up the wash test! I imagine it’ll fade soon, given enough time though. It’s my first white hoodie, so I love it for that, but the floral design (which mimics the Love Yourself: Tear album cover) on the sleeves is what really caught my eye. Love having the boys’ names printed on my back too! >.<

Onto the tees! This Map of the Soul: Persona-inspired logo design has me LIVING. I love simple shirts. You can’t tell cause I filtered the heck out of these (for art), but the bright pink design is actually printed on a very deep navy heather-colored shirt. Heather shirts look best on me, so all the short-sleeved shirts are printed on this material. 😛

“You can’t stop me lovin’ myself” when I wear this shirt, that’s for sure! Guys, GUYS, “Idol” is easily one of my top three favorite BTS songs (if such a list were to exist . . . which it doesn’t cause my brain would implode). I specifically requested for the design to be printed on a dark blue shirt because it matches the “Idol feat. Nicki Minaj” thumbnail. The bright yellow and red vibrantly contrasts against the backdrop, and if you love this artist’s style, you’ll love the next look . . .

We just HAD to do it to ’em. “Yeah, you makin’ me a boy with LOVE,” baby, and this shirt is just so much fun to wear. Again, I requested that this particular design be printed on a bright heather teal shirt to match the skies in the “Boy with Luv” thumbnail on YouTube. Really happy with how this one turned out. If the retro design seems familiar somehow, it’ll be no coincidence for you to know that this artist ALSO made the “Fly Me To The Moon” Eva-inspired tee that was featured in a holiday haul a little while ago. I’ll defs have to find the artist on social media!!

Long-sleeved shirts are IN, y’all, and this Wings shirt (with a design ripped right from the album’s own cover art) has me reliving the angsty days of “Awake,” “Lie,” and “Blood Sweat & Tears” like no other. Also “Mama”—how could I forget our beloved Hobi??

I love black clothing more than anything in the world, but sometimes ya just gotta have fun—and I find that a bold yellow is the best way to do that. Contrasting the purple font (also a decision I made to match the music video), the shirt features RM’s opening lines of “Idol” as the central design: “You can call me artist / You can call me idol.” The quote is so iconic, yet also celebrates the notion that fame can sometimes be a good thing, as it doesn’t always change the person beneath the shirt. 🙂

Last but not least is a return to black, my forte, with this simple long-sleeved Love Yourself shirt. (Yeesh, this one could’ve benefited from a good ironing. Oh well.) Yes, the design is printed with the pink-blue-white coloring that the album logo itself is done in. And yes, I DO love this shirt! Whether you’re a new ARMY, a hardcore fan, or even just a casual listener, I think this simple yet elegant design is perfect for anyone wanting to share their love of BTS and their music. ❤


Will I be buying more BTS-inspired clothing in the future? Umm, duh. But for now, this is what I’ve got, and I have so much fun coordinating each of these colorful designs with my OOTD. Do you have any BTS apparel that you like showing off? Tag me on Insta with a photo or comment below!

I’ve bought off of TeePublic in the past for most of my anime shirts, so if this kind of thing is something you guys show interest in, I’ll definitely make a separate post for those! I hope you enjoyed this sort of try-on/lookbook with me, and until next time, this has been

– Takuto, your host

30-Day Song Challenge Day 20: A Song From A New Album You Are Waiting For To Come Out

I don’t really listen to songs by the album, nor even pay attention to albums in general. So when this uneventful day reared its apathetic head, I was doing the ‘bites thumb’ expression, as I have nothing to show you guys! Hmm, I suppose I could just throw out a few more songs that I often listen to, but wouldn’t that be cheating? I also thought about recommending soundtracks for newer anime, crossing my fingers that it would slide.

What I ended up was . . . researching an album to present to you all. YES, I did it just for you! Without further ado, we’ve got more from Kalafina since that seems to be the only band I listen to 😛 Enjoy!

From Kalafina, Album Title: “Far On The Water”

Release Date: September 16, 2015



I’ve never researched albums before nor given them much thought, but this was actually kinda fun to write 🙂 And what impeccable timing I have to discover it before the release in two weeks! While my favorite on the list is unarguably “heavenly blue,” I also find “believe,” “ring your bell,” and “far on the water” to be extremely catchy. But what newer song besides the title drop will be considered day 20’s pick?

From The Heroic Legend of Arslan, “One Light” by Kalafina

Hot damn, it’s Arslan Senki, a show that I will satisfy me when it finally ends! I’ve been following it since the first episode was simulcast, and am finding myself a bit . . . frustrated. It’s okay so far, but I wouldn’t hop the fence to reach this one. But that doesn’t stop it from having a near full set of openings and endings! I’ll touch back on that when I do a season review of it, but here is the second and last ending theme for the 25-episode legend about a boy who will become king. 3:30 and on is especially pretty epic!

We learn new things every day, and today’s topic was pretty exciting, wouldn’t you say? Do you track album release dates and concerts for your favorite artists, or do you just enjoy the music when it happens to fall in as an opening, ending, or insert song for an anime? Let’s talk in the comments, and until tomorrow, this has been

– Takuto, your host