EVERYDAY EVA: Comprehensive Project Summary

From March 1 to March 31 (2022), Takuto’s Anime Cafe partook in the annual Mecha March aniblogger festivities. This year, I decided to write a post every single day dedicated to my favorite anime of all time, Evangelion. This project, “EVERYDAY EVA,” began as a daily reflection over the classic TV series, and it was eventually expanded to include the films of the franchise for the last week. This way, I covered the immense animated history of Evangelion in its totality.

Over the course of 31 days, 31 posts slowly yet steadily trickled in. By the last day, the collective word count reached well over 18k words (including this post), making it the longest project over a single franchise that I have ever done! Seeing all of the posts finished like this almost makes me want to collect them into a single publication for Amazon Kindle or some other easy digital publisher—just for fun, you know?

It’s not often that I have the time to rewatch a 26-episode series and its 5 sequel films, but I’ll always make an exception for Eva. It’s fascinating how I continue to learn new tidbits and gain heightened insight about the world, story, themes, and characters even after having see this series many, many times. I poured my heart and soul into each of these little reflections. While they aren’t always cohesive or even coherent, they are mine, and that’s something I can be proud of. (I do recommend reading them side-by-side with your own watch of the series as a kind of companion piece, though!)

I know I already said it, but special thanks to all those who read these posts live as I published them. Your continued support empowered me to see this project through to the very end!!

Below are links to each post of EVERYDAY EVA. Be sure to read each one if you haven’t yet!

EVERYDAY EVA & Mecha March Announcement

A whole month of Evangelion!

Episode 1: Angel Attacketh

A new series of posts to celebrate my love of Evangelion begins!

Episode 2: Tricky Structure and Trippy Silence

This is a weird episode—and it’s only the second one.

Episode 3: The Price the Pilot Pays

When Shinji is bullied for saving mankind, he doesn’t feel up to piloting again.

Episode 4: Wandering Through the Natural World

Shinji runs away, but to where does he go?

Episode 5: Eyes On Rei

As Shinji starts to grow more into his class, his eyes start to turn toward Rei.

Episode 6: My Most Nostalgic Evangelion Episode

The strength of all of Japan is placed in a single shot—and Shinji will pull the trigger.

Episode 7: Women in STEM, or Misato the Hero

NERV’s brilliant women jump to the forefront as man insists on a doomed hope.

Episode 8: Asuka Arrives, and My Life Forever Changes!

The Unit-02 pilot dazzles her way onto the scene, and Shinji’s world is dyed a brilliant red.

Episode 9: A Dance With Devils

Asuka is determined to prove her worth, but her partner is less than enthusiastic.

Episode 10: Existence is Pain (and so is Embarrassment)

Asuka turns up the heat as the star magma diver—and the humiliation is unforgettable.

Episode 11: A Fond Darkness, or How “Everyone Kicks Ass” in My Favorite NGE Episode

A total blackout threatens the safety of Tokyo-3. Thankfully, a little elbow grease saves the day.

Episode 12: Catch It With Your Bare Hands!

Shinji shoulders the secrets of Misato’s past to become a hero against their biggest threat yet.

Episode 13: Computers, Corrosion, Casper.

When a new kind of Angel hacks its way into NERV, only the good Dr. Akagi can secure humanity’s victory.

Episode 14: Recapitulation and Experimentation

A recap of the series’ first half is provided, followed by another pilot test that goes horribly wrong.

Episode 15: The Shadow Tells No Lies

Kisses are swapped and secrets are shared in this otherwise unsuspecting episode.

Episode 16: Dramaturgy and the Human Mind

As the 12th Angel swallows Unit-01 and parts of Tokyo-3 into its shadow, Shinji is pulled into the space of his mind.

Episode 17: Sowing the Seeds of Tragedy

The next phase of the Drama Arc rolls out over a trilogy of episodes, and this first stages the tragedy to come.

Episode 18: Shock and Horror

EVA-03’s startup test goes horribly wrong, and Shinji is torn between surrendering his life or eliminating the enemy EVA—along with the pilot inside.

Episode 19: The Decision We All Must Make

While Shinji vows to never pilot EVA again after his father’s betrayal, the 14th Angel carves a path of devastation to NERV HQ.

Episode 20: A Woman’s Lust, A Mother’s Love

As Dr. Akagi tries to reconstruct Shinji’s body from outside the entry plug, Shinji plunges into the world of his mind.

Episode 21: The Dark History of NERV

We travel back to the past to see how the world came to hang in the precarious balance that it does. Unsurprisingly, NERV’s history holds the answers.

Episode 22: The Great Toppling, or Asuka’s Fall From Grace

The first pilot to fall in the final act is none other than the girl who once stood at the very top of her game.

Episode 23: Tears, the Products of Love and Hate

The penultimate 16th Angel fuses with Unit-00, and, in Ritsuko’s tearful outburst, the truth of Rei Ayanami is finally disseminated to Misato and Shinji.

Episode 24: Worthy of My Grace

SEELE heralds the arrival of the final messenger. Shinji meets Kaworu, the fifth child. The destiny they share causes Shinji to rethink everything.

Episode 25: Absurdism, Allegory, and “The Theme Itself”

The Angels are finally gone, but Shinji is far from achieving happiness. While he grapples with the truth of his weakness, human instrumentality begins.

Episode 26: At the End of the World, There Is Love

Instrumentality continues to unravel Shinji’s narrative, weaving his consciousness with the minds and hearts of others. A discovery is made, and love is found.

The End of Evangelion – Fate and Destruction, Joy and Rebirth

The climactic final act of the original NGE plays out on the global stage as prophetic wishes come to pass. The end and the beginning are one in the same.

1.11 – The Nostalgia of Evangelion

The first epic film in the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy sets the groundwork for an entirely new story to come.

2.22 – The Spirit of Evangelion

Shinji Ikari’s story reaches a “break” in the path, and the added drama of new pilots and Angels alike snowballs into his heroic decision to protect the one he loves.

3.33 – The Tragedy of Evangelion

Following the cataclysmic pursuit of his desires, Shinji reawakens to an unfamiliar red world. The only shred of hope to be found lies with the boy from the moon.

3.0+1.0 – The Joy of Evangelion

Shinji, shocked into despair at Kaworu’s death, slowly starts to move forward thanks to friends both old and new. Finally, his nostalgia, spirit, and tragedy will lead him to joy.

Comprehensive Project Summary

A recap of this busy yet immensely satisfying Mecha March.

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