Happy 6 Years, Takuto’s Anime Cafe!

Hey guys!

I hope you have all been staying well these past couple weeks. I’m finally starting to get a grasp on how school is going to roll this semester. I’ve never taken virtual classes before, so it’s been a test of my time management, that much is for sure. But, after a month now, I think I know where blogging fits within all this.

Before I get back into the swing of my reviews and such, I did want to share this little announcement with you all that I accidentally missed a couple days ago:

That’s right! Takuto’s Anime Cafe is officially SIX years old, I can hardly believe it! 🥳

It was during my sophomore year of high school when I first set up shop here on WordPress. Back then, I did most of my blogging in the mornings before class in our school’s library. I can distinctly recall the table where I sat, and I reflect back on those early days with a warm fondness.

I’m now in the fall of my senior year of college—I know, where did the time go?! Well, I spent most of it here, of course (or at least, as much as I could). The WP aniblogger community is where I get my roots, and it’s honestly where most of my dearest friends come from. We’ve been through so much together!!

Thank you for sticking with me all these years. Even through my long absences and silences, you’ve sat here keeping my seat warm. This cafe wouldn’t have much business without my lovely guests. Likewise, I wouldn’t be who I am today were it not for your continued kindness, patience, and generosity. Really, I can’t thank you enough.

As we head into the blog’s seventh year (wow, that still sounds crazy), please continue to support me on here with my writing. To those who have also graciously extended their hand towards my YouTube and Insta, I can’t thank you enough. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed all that you‘ve read and watched, and I’m looking forward to making more content on all these platforms. I aim to work hard, and show you an even better side of myself!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for six wonderful years together—and here’s to a merry seventh~! 💜

With love and gratitude,

– Takuto

34 thoughts on “Happy 6 Years, Takuto’s Anime Cafe!

    • It’s crazy, I wholeheartedly agree! I like to think I’ve had a grand ol’ time on here, and I don’t plan on stopping yet (although, I really ought to post something again soon). Thank you so much Raistlin, and apologies for the late response!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: The Totally Awesome Tomodachi Award (+ tags) – A Geeky Gal

  2. Congrats on the 6 years. That reminds me that while my blog is only about 3 years old (as of next month), if my old USB backups are any indication I’ve surpassed 8 years of blogging on one platform or another myself (give or take some erratic blogging periods, such as not bringing any technology when I went to Japan last year). Choosing to change my blogging style (to some degree) in line with my jump in main platform in 2017 really got me back into the spirit of things, so I don’t regret it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, sounds like you’ve gone through a lot of major changes over the years. I agree, in that I find your current blogging style to be incredibly entertaining and insightful at the same time. Really, a combined 8 years is an achievement worth celebrating as often as you can!

      Thanks so much Aria!!

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  3. Pingback: Where are the Posts??? || Quarterly Update (Fall 2020) | Takuto's Anime Cafe

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