30-Day Song Challenge Day 16: Songs That Are Your Guilty Pleasure

Ufufufu I’ve got too many of these . . . We better get started!

From Fee!, “Rage On” by OLDCODEX

Do I even have to explain? I mean, I feel pretty guilty for loving this song considering the context of the show, but then again, I also love Free!. But who doesn’t? Speaking as a guy who did not care for sports anime (or sports in general) nor care for sexy boy muscles glistening in the sun, I was OVERLY IMPRESSED with what this show presented. Naturally, I fell in love with this song pretty quickly, but whenever it starts blaring from my phone or speakers, I dive head-first into the pause button and desperately scan the area for nearby listeners. Yeah, I’m pretty sad to watch, but I’m a fan at heart. Isn’t that all that counts?

From Yamada’s First Time (B Gata H Kei), “”Oshiete A to Z” by Yukari Tamura

Okay, this sparkling song is my jam, and if you start judgin’ I will kick you out! Naw, just kidding (but seriously) :> This song is magical; no matter what kind of day you might be having, just one listen to this baby will fix you up quick! Glowing with positive vibes, I just want to get up and dance around! Wrong day, I know, but I can’t express how much I adore this tune. 😀

From Strike Witches, “Watashi ni Dekiru Koto” by Megumi Nakajima

YESS OH MY GOD – It’s the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, the Strike Witches!! This along with Yamada are indeed guilty pleasure shows. No pants, sometimes no shirt means ALL OF THE FAN SERVICE. The song is uber sparkly and fluffy, so it would be really awkward if people caught you jamming out to these cool chicks’ theme song.

From A Certain Scientific Railgun, “Onee-sama . . .”

Dun dunnn! You can feel the eerie snake wriggling around your legs, squeezing and releasing, but she crawls up your airy shirt and around your waist, hovering above your navel. Suddenly, she strikes the chest and makes squirmy love to you as you stand there, utterly mortified. This is the relationship Kuroko shares with here “sissy” Mikoto Misaka, the fearsome Railgun of Tokiwadai.

From Kyoukai no Kanata or Beyond the Boundary, the idol song, “Yakusoku no kizun”

Is it guilty to say that this was my favorite scene from the anime? NONE OF IT HAD ANY RELATION TO THE PLOT (like anyone actually watched it for the story when it’s this drop-dead gorgeous). I mean, I feel no shame right now, so that’s got to count. But seriously, all idol songs can make a person feel pretty shameful sometimes, but it’s just another ‘genre’ of music – get over it people. Right now, I just wish I could have Akihito Kanbara’s outfit (the blonde kid) so that I can swing my hips with them 🙂

It honestly looks so fun. That coordination though #friendshipgoals

From Special A, “Gorgeous 4U” by the guys from the show(?)

I literally know nothing about this show and the song other than my sister likes it a ton, and that I’ve walked in on a couple of episodes a year or two ago and sat to watch. I don’t know why this song is a guilty pleasure, but it is. My favorite singer is the loud brown-haired boy just because I love how youthful it sounds! This song reminds me of playing in the summer and watching anime. Ahh those were the days, and they already feel so far away.

From Ouran High School Host Club, “Sakura Kiss” (preferably English)

Another one I watched with my sister, but I gave this one a 10/10 mind you. KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!!!

(I also love the English ending <3)

Alright, enough of my fanboying! Hopefully tomorrow will bring us something a little more, hmm, sophisticated? Haha, anyway those are some of my guilty pleasure anime songs, and I think you’ll like and recognize most of them. I just noticed we’re over HALFWAY DONE! Nice! Until tomorrow, this has been

– Takuto, your host

18 thoughts on “30-Day Song Challenge Day 16: Songs That Are Your Guilty Pleasure

  1. Pingback: Takuto Officially Accepts the 30-Day Song Challenge! | Takuto's Anime Cafe

  2. I never seen Beyond the Boundary, but I have seen that idol video on Youtube and I thought it was pretty creative. I also like the Special A and Ouran HS songs 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE! Haha I have alot of fun memories tied to Ouran, that song perks me up everytime I listen to it!
    And as for ‘Rage On’, I don’t feel as guilty when I am listening to the song itself as I am watching the OP video outside the confines of my room -ahem- in view of other people *coughs* xD

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I haven’t seen free yet but love that song 🙂
    Yamada’s first time can’t go wrong there for a fun, groovy listen 🙂
    I am strongly considering doing this song challenge but not this month lol

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: 30-Day Song Challenge Day 30 (FINALE): Songs That Would Be The Theme Song To A TV Show About Your Life | Takuto's Anime Cafe

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