Quick Update 11/16/14

Hi, I hope you have all been doing fine!

Previously, I had taken a short leave from blogging just to clear my head, and because I have been occupied with other annoying/trivial things. One of these issues was that I got my wisdom teeth taken out a couple days ago, so coping with that and making up homework have made my days long and painful…

But do not fear, for I bear good news! I’m pondering the extensive idea of writing a Light Novel, along with my reviews and what not, because I feel there are many fruit-bearing ideas in my mind and I need to get them down, like soon. A project of this magnitude requires a lot of research and dedication, however, so I have been reading Reki Kawahara’s Sword Art Online and reading other blog posts about English Light Novels.

The site also might go under renovation, as I’m not quite I’m serving up the Cafe idea as smoothly as I thought I would. If or when this happens, I’ll post another update. Regardless, I’ve still been catching up on all of the anime listed in my “End of October” post, so check it out if your curious about my browsings or want to know my opinions before my reviews.

Swim season has also started at my school, so it’s going to be a busy winter, but I’ll still do my reviews! This was just an update as to the changes in my blog and daily life.

Until my next post, I hope you all have a fantastic week! It would make me so happy if you liked or followed my material (hello newcomers)! Bye~~

– Takuto, your host

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